LEE JACKSON GP-1000 88 replica for sale

Customers who want JE can get it with the-next-day shipping. Ask TWCC. I'm just heating up my soldering device.

I said it sounds better live, because I was recording it at home and honestly, my recording skills are not that good...I'm just a guitar player...I don't own any professional recording gear. Yes, it is my bad - I can't capture the sound properly - that's why it sounds better live. I've had no time and no space to experiment with recording. My recordings were based on amp - mic - Firewire Solo - Audacity. Nothing else.

Do you know this label from Italy? A whole album will be recorded in their professional studio with GPSP in July 2014.

About the second EQ:
I took your unit to my guitar teacher a few days before shipping it to you. He was playing just some PRS SE Custom 24 with light strings tuned in dropped D - 700€ guitar - through Bogner Alchemist cab, mainly with 2nd EQ, built-in JE switched on and it sound like a dream. Huge balls at the low end, piercing mids and screaming highs. It didn't lack anything. ... so I am quiet sad of your impressions of GPSP. I would buy it back if I had spare money. It was my favorite unit. Now I pretty regret selling it. I should have kept it for myself...
Well don't get me wrong, I think it's a great unit and am I no where near disappointed. I might have came off a bit rash, just giving my opinion about it.
It sounds sharp, but still good. Mod 1,2 &3 on I assume, it sounds sort of AYDYish, lacks some bass, but that comes from other units/mic. What guitar(s) and pickups was used?
With JE-1000 settings at 1 & 2 on and 3 off? Lows can be had from mod 4, but be careful of noise and Bodom uses Sansamp and RSP for some more lows.
As Rune said, RSP2400 and Sansamp give you more low end. But still...a lot depends on settings of GPJE, power amp, tubes, cab, speakers, pickups...

Even though you lack some low end, that riff if fucking tasty! Amazing guitar work. I listened to all your songs and I can see you really like using Alexi's licks. Sounds great!
He's using second EQ so nothing is impossible there, and more gain is also possible so, I guess it just sounded ok in a mix?
i messaged twcc but havent heard anything back. how much is it for a gp1000 only, original board size and mods included? shipping to arizona?
360 Euro with all mods I guess, but I'm not sure if they got the original GP-1000 PCB in stock, I hope RR or TWCC is responding soon, even I got a mail waiting for them. They are busy with work abroad a lot of the year, very good with electrician work of all kinds. Shipping to US is expensive, my guess is at least 90 dollars. 6-7KG unit.
TWCC is...kinda...dead.... No I'm just kidding. He is somewhere abroad and even I don't get any replies from him. I'm home now because of some other business.

@urmomm - he will reply asap...he must have tons of work when he doesn't reply. Would you like to have the second EQ in your unit? You want mods and that is kinda one of them. About price...original sized boars will have to be custom ordered...it will be higher price but it's not that bad....the only problem (I think for us) is that we have to order at least 10pcs...we will sort it out!
About shipping...I did the packing of Wormwood's unit and I paid 70€ for international shipping to Florida.

aaand I need to know what kind of finish would you like for front panel ...sticker as the last Wormwood's unit?
its good thing that twcc is not dead, hahaha. i dont need second eq. i want the same sound as alexi has in his. i dont need same size board if it costs more. ill take whatever u have for cheap:) and same applies for the finish on front panel. whatever is cheapest.
Gentlemen, here we have 20 JE1Ks ready to roll!




Hey RR could you answer a question about a mod (on GPSP) I were supposed to have, but don't and Jon had/has in his unit? TWCC is not responding my email and I really want to get it going at both my original GP and Shedmaster.

Nice JE1K's good work! I understand the size is because of the super high quality components. Using Wima caps and some switchable pins (with hoods) which I don't know the purpose of yet.
TWCC is home now, but he has some family business to do, you know...
Try to forward me that email, I'll ask him directly;)

Yes, WIMA caps are used in the most expensive sound devices and also those blue ones are Phillips - very expensive, made especially for sound devices. Those pinheads and jumpers(covers/hoods) allow you to set JE to two working mods:
1 - when pulled, JE is bypassed. (All jumpers an in those white squares)
2 - when pulled, gain is turned off. (You just move all jumpers to the other side...very simple:))
If you could add me a note what to solder where, and if its possible to connect the battery cables from the RR24 backunit to JE-1k (by just cutting the batteryclip off and soldering the wires together)
then im up for one!

meaning answer my question and il order right away!

EDIT: il post a picture with an open cavity where you can see all the wires and you can direct me some more

btw also on another note, does it even fit in an RR24? because the cavity height is 2.7 cm....
