LEE JACKSON GP-1000 88 replica for sale

My measurements where off i apologize, thought only by 5mm though

here some pics of the cavity:




I have no idea which one is witch but i guess that will fogure itself out once i install my J50-BC finally with this booster as combo...
atleast the battery cables i guess......

maybe unscrew the floyd back panel also and check there?

since i also dunno which cable leads 2 the jack

There we go:)

It will look completely different with J50BC. As I promised, I'll take pictures of my wiring - it is almost the same, except the battery - my battery is placed next to JE. I'll show you which wires are/aren't connected and I'll make some notes where do they come from etc. My wiring is a bit more colorful, so it should a piece of cake.
Sorry, didn't make it before midnight...

I hope you like "explain like I'm five".

Here it is:

Cover your guitar properly!!! Soldering iron can cause some serious damage to guitar finish. You can use some clean rags or something else.

Be very careful when stripping wires from isolation. J50BC is a ~15-year-old pickup, so you've got to be gently with it. (like a swedish lady)

This is JE with jumpers in the "BYPASS" position (when the pot is pulled, JE is bypassed):


This is JE with jumpers in the "GAIN SWITCH" position (when the pot is pulled, gain it turned off):


Here are pics of J50BC wires:


IN_SIG: Black wire from J50BC

IN_GND: Green + wire without isolation from J50BC + guitar ground




Here is how it looks like at the output jack:



ty this is very very clear, the only thing i dont know are what color my cables from the jackk are, but i guess i can figure it out :P

thx, i'd like to order one!
I thought you guys might be interested in seeing this. It's not everyday that you get to be a research subject I reckon ;)


Obviously it was more of an exercise in qualitative data analysis than an actual proper scientific study, but I guess it could still be fun to read and maybe some of the insights could be of use.

I think what you've done is quite impressive and I seriously hope you can continue your work. Perhaps when I fix my current housing situation and get around to deciding what I'm going to do this summer, I might order a GPSP myself (but don't quote me on that just yet).

Now dance, my guinea pigs!
@Socketzero - THANK YOU! That is fucking amazing! TWCC was very impressed with that! (He is just so busy, that he can't answer here on UM)

Guys, every one of you, who wants his JE, please, contact me via PM as soon as possible. They will be shipped this thursday/friday.

BTW: I played today with our latest JE and it was superb! I am very pleased with its sound. And about GPSP? We are not stopping. More mods and improvements are coming. We just lack some time...you know.

Thank you and take care!
No problem, it was actually fun to have the opportunity to look at a case that personally interests me as well for a change. Although I think that the two girls I had to collaborate with might feel differently about that, but hey... that's their fault for not finding a better case I guess :p

Tof trouwens om Nederland hier ook vertegenwoordigd te zien, Fastbodom. Wie weet zijn we elkaar al weleens tegen gekomen bij een concert ofzo. Zieke gear btw!
Yeah, since gorhrut and Jon Woodworm are sharing some half assed suggestion to get the Bodom sound by modding the GP-1000, I decided to research some more and get more mods for even more distortion and to get any oscillation (noise) problem solved. I have several solutions that might work, but the main problem is impossible for a "regular joe" to do and require a lot for rewiring. Lee Jackson worked with Rivera under their early Fender days. And the handwired amps at the early 80's had lots of major ciruits flaws and errors. Bacially all the silverfaced fender amps does, and especially the Concert II. Lee Jackson "stole" the main design and made the perfect connection series. Althought improved it still got the same flaws

By the way the reshearch database was very impressive
come on, rune. dont bash wormwood. hes not the one sharing mod ideas. i am. and why shouldnt i? i want everyone to have the bodom sound if they want it. i dont get info from techs just to hide it away and keep it for myself. i never signed a non disclosure agreement so i am free to say whatever i want about the mods. hate me if u want, i dont f***ing care, i know those who have been searching for the bodom tone for years will appreciate my suggestions.
Yes, but when your suggestion is wrong and kind of a part of one album tone, lacking lots of noise re-ducting and tonal shaping mods, then I had to address you.
youre correct that i did not offer suggestions for tone shaping/ noise reduction. i am offering the suggestions for mods as i try them. so far i have tried the 1st cathode and bypass mod(which is obviously staying), changing v1a plate resistor to 220k(which i did not like as much. going back to 100k), tone cap update to .2 and .1, 2.2 uf cap for output 2, trimmer from v2b cathode resistor and grid leak to ground(to run the stage colder. gives more distortion), and the led mod i have noted on the gear thread. i have yet to comment on the further changes to the gain stages for tone shaping or noise reduction simply because i have not tried them out yet. once i have tried all these mods i will update for those who care to try them out.
i do not intend to make this an argument, you have personally helped me on this forum before, and i thank u for it. i just wish to offer others on this forum some extra knowlege. if anyone would like more mod info or step by step instructions please pm me and i will offer what i can.
Gorhrut of you put on all the mods of the GPSP you would have oscillation going on at tones ringing out. And even if you did all the existing mods you still don't have enough distortion and sustain. 220k RR14/15 is well above what you need. 68-100k is more than enough.
Why wouldn't you just buy a used one off eBay? I checked the other day, the GP1000 was going for $300-500 on average and the VHT power amp he uses was $1000. Add in the Marshall BV cab for another $500 and you could have his rig for $2000 total + guitar.

The circuitry in the GP1000 is pretty simple anyway if it needs minor repair.
i do have a gp 1000 and a vht poweramp and marshall cab. but those alone wont get you the bodom sound. u have to modify the preamp, and thats what were discussing here.

@rune-the mod with the trimmer does add distortion. adding resistance lowers gain but causes the stage to clip because its biased so cold. it causes assymetrical distortion. and the loss in gain is made up for by also increasing the value of the grid leak resistor into that stage. i think its the SLO that does something similar, raising the resistance on one of the cathodes super high. its called a cold clipping stage.

the led mod, u are correct, does not add distortion. its basically a bias mod that replaces the cathode resistor and bypass cap with an led. this acts as a resistor with the perfect bypass. so yes, all this mod does is add fullness to the sound. but it disregards the .68 and 820 mod.

u can further enhance bass and mids by replacing c2 and 3 with 1 uf bypass caps. this increases gain above the knee frequency the caps set. similar to what the led mod does. its all in the bias category of amp modding.

i a/b tested my gp against the vid of alexi and roope showing to play blooddrunk and its almost spot on and i still have 2-3 mods to test. (in that test i did not use the led mod)