Ok, time for some pictures:
^^ from left:
sp1000 power, sp1000 volume, sp1000 level indicators, switch connecting gp to sp, GP1000 front input, volume, dist (pull), high (pull), mid, midshift, low (pull), master 1, master 2, gp1000 power
close-up of the GP-SP switch and GP input
close-up of SP power switch and SP volume
rear, from left: IEC power input, GP fuse (empty), SP fuse (empty), reserved, gp output 2, gp output 1, gp distortion footswitch, sp output, sp output, sp input
inside view, top right white circle will be GP transformer
PCB switch for GP1000 settings
And some notes:
-red labeled switches on last photos have following functions:
-left = gain mod on-off
-top = more gain mod on-off
-bottom two = both left==`87 model, both right==`88 model,
-the big capacitors on SP and GP obviously need some support, glue and straightening. will do
-knobs are black aluminium, diameter 15mm. I have also 12mm, both sizes in black and silver. The indicator on silver is silver too, so you can't see it very well until you color it.
-yes I know some knobs are sticking out more and some less. Will sort it out, no problem (have to reduce length of pot shafts)
-yes, the tube PCB is not secured to chassis. will be. Also, no cooling for tubes now. There will be additional cooling holes.
-knobs on front panel are a bit crowded, I will make the wave indicator smaller and separate them more.
-the wave indicator has only one row, because only a half of sp1000 is inside.
-it is very possible, that I can fit both channels of sp1000 and entire gp1000 in one 1U rack with no thermal issues.
-final cases will be smaller - not 300mm deep, but 200, or so.
-there are two LED indicators on PCB boards - one is on when the high voltage capacitors are discharging (=don't touch indicator), the other one comes slowly on when GP1000 tubes have warmed up to working temperature. if requested, I can move those LEDs to front panel.
-i will probably move both power switches to the right side. I don't like that the left one is very close to SP1000 signal input. No signal issues yet, but just in case.
-yes, there is a childish drawing of pentagram inside. Deal with it.
-final cases will be from aluminium. unpainted silver finish with a sticker on front and back will be default, black paint or other color will be few euros extra. dials and texts painted instead of on the sticker will be few euros extra too. fancy anodizing and engraving will be a lot extra (I don't think someone will want it)