Leftover Song from Death Magnetic

First thing I noticed was the time. Another 7 fucking minutes...

After listening to it though I can say it was actually pretty good. I just wish the tempo was 50% faster.

Oh btw, hilarious lyrics:
"suck on the barrel, suck on the barrel, suck, suck til its dry" :lol:
Long songs are good, short songs are for people with ADD.

I listen to Dream Theater. Long songs don't bother me. Long songs that are really boring because they are dragged out far past where they should've been, THAT annoys me. That intro was like two minutes long! It was one riff!
It's long for sure, but overall this is considerably better than anything I'd expect to hear from a 2008 version of Metallica. Except for Lars of course, but he sucks too bad to even hold out hope of decent or inspired drumming. At least Het can still play his instrument, he just forgot how to write great riffs...
Hey now, this thread isn't about Dream Theater bashing. :lol:

How many more songs do you think remain unreleased? I think this is gonna be all of them.
Not back then mate. There may have been tape editing but NOT on drum tracks. I can assure thee that. That is all Lars being amazing

I doubt it... There was heaps of drum editing back then, it was just harder. The reason Exhorder were always so pissed off with the production of Slaughter in the Vatican (which I personally think sounds great) is that Scott Burns used all Sepultura's drum sounds he recorded for Beneath the Remains. If Exhorder were doing it then I highly doubt that Metallica weren't. Also if I recall there's a bit about the drum-editing on the Black Album on the Year And A Half videos.