Length of set for US tour

Saxiquine said:
But I have to say that I'm mostly blessed with a man that shows me appreciation =)
It's gonna be fun meeting ya all.
You've got yourself a great guy! I'll tell you this, after Mike had that accident after last year's PP, I sent him a get well email. I commented about what a decent person he was at Progpower and and how refreshing that is to see in a musician. He wrote back about how lucky he was to have his "Lotta" and he couldn't be without you.

It was such a genuine email (I don't believe it was the pain meds talking - ha ha), you should use that bit of info on him for blackmailing purposes (giggle)!


PS Hello to my Cuba friend, I've been quiet the last few days due to being down with a bad cold!
BABS said:
You've got yourself a great guy! I'll tell you this, after Mike had that accident after last year's PP, I sent him a get well email. I commented about what a decent person he was at Progpower and and how refreshing that is to see in a musician. He wrote back about how lucky he was to have his "Lotta" and he couldn't be without you.

It was such a genuine email (I don't believe it was the pain meds talking - ha ha), you should use that bit of info on him for blackmailing purposes (giggle)!


PS Hello to my Cuba friend, I've been quiet the last few days due to being down with a bad cold!
Sorry- I had to wipe the tears from my eyes before I could respond!!! I myself thought it was sweet that in Atlanta last year Mike called "home" at 3:00 a.m. from Dee & Kerri's room just to say hi to his sweetie! (wonder if they ever got the phone bill- LOL)
High Speed Kurt said:

So one of my mystery woemn from progpower is revealed...now if I just could finf my symphony x blonde.
Uh oh- are you talking about me? Damn, I knew I shouldn't have posted my picture.... ha ha
BABS said:
You've got yourself a great guy! I'll tell you this, after Mike had that accident after last year's PP, I sent him a get well email. I commented about what a decent person he was at Progpower and and how refreshing that is to see in a musician. He wrote back about how lucky he was to have his "Lotta" and he couldn't be without you.

It was such a genuine email (I don't believe it was the pain meds talking - ha ha), you should use that bit of info on him for blackmailing purposes (giggle)!


PS Hello to my Cuba friend, I've been quiet the last few days due to being down with a bad cold!

Yeah I know.. that's why I love him so much =)
Just thought I'd jump into this thread real quick - I take it from what snippets I can pick up that Evergrey will be going on FIRST in this tour?

I'm in South Florida and the tour hits the Orlando House of Blues on Wednesday May 5th. My two buddies who are big Evergrey fans like me (actually, one of them, the guy who heard about the show, is INSANE about the band - he was a kook on the floor at PP last year) are trying to slap together a crazy roadtrip plan - get out of work Wed a few hours early, shoot up to Orlando in my buddy's car (3+ hours), catch Evergrey's set (no offense to the other bands but EVERGREY is all we care about), then turn right around and jet back down to be at work the next day. If Evergrey plays first, it sucks lengthwise for their set - but in the end, it would turn out alright for us and our plan if they played first.

If anyone can confirm this for me, I'd truly appreciate it. Thanks!

Although I am a huge Bodom fan and they got me into metal all together, I also agree that Evergrey should play after them. Not that I like one better than the other, but Evergrey just seems like they should go after them...Iced Earth I could do without all together. I just wish Evergrey and Bodom could have an equal and long time to play instead of 30-45 min and an hour or whatever.
Hey cuban toad, I'm going to the shows in Anaheim and Hollywood as well, so ill be looking to take you out, because i am one of those stupid, unintelligent, moronic bodom fans that is like "aleksy is the mowzart of hevy metal your beter off ded." haha, but anyway, there is NO way that Evergrey should go on after Bodom, simply because of the fact that they dont have as big of a following in the US, and you have to give the people what they want. It's all good though, look forward to seeing you there.
EndlessWhore said:
Hey cuban toad, I'm going to the shows in Anaheim and Hollywood as well, so ill be looking to take you out, because i am one of those stupid, unintelligent, moronic bodom fans that is like "aleksy is the mowzart of hevy metal your beter off ded." haha, but anyway, there is NO way that Evergrey should go on after Bodom, simply because of the fact that they dont have as big of a following in the US, and you have to give the people what they want. It's all good though, look forward to seeing you there.
Half the people don't know what they want b/c they haven't had the opportunity to hear Evergrey yet. However, I'm certain they will be wishing Evergrey played second after the concert.
EndlessWhore said:
Hey cuban toad, I'm going to the shows in Anaheim and Hollywood as well, so ill be looking to take you out, because i am one of those stupid, unintelligent, moronic bodom fans that is like "aleksy is the mowzart of hevy metal your beter off ded." haha, but anyway, there is NO way that Evergrey should go on after Bodom, simply because of the fact that they dont have as big of a following in the US, and you have to give the people what they want. It's all good though, look forward to seeing you there.

EbdlessWhore...I really wish I was goin to one of those shows! But i'm not cuz i'll be at my stupid fucking boarding school in NY! :yell: I was planning on goin to the show in NYC...but that just sold out! :erk: So i'll be completely missing this awesome tour, and i still have yet to see Evergrey live god damnit! :yell: Hopefully Evergrey will come out to Cali again after they release the Inner Circle?! :D