Let it snow......


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
The snow has finally arrived in Southampton and bloody loads of it too. Typical....no buses, trains late blah blah!

It all better fuck off by this time next week as I have a lot of miles to get under my belt on the road!

BBQ anyone?
Hmm... Steve, I don't live there in UK, but here there is never snow in winter. only rainfall.

I always thought of snow as something good, actually..... to build a snowman and throw snowballs at random people and all that shit.
You don't often get much snow on the South Coast of England.....this is probably the worst in the 20 years I have lived here.

I grew up in North Wales and there winter snow was a regular thing....everyone was used to it and expected it.
Well, dude, when something occurs often you can get used to it and expect it......but here, when there's snow everybody gets really excited.

Anyway dude, here it's nothing better, I have only seen weak rainfall about 4 or 5 times ever since the winter has started here. And nobody expects any snow anymore, because it just doesn't happen......temperatures here get up to 30c sometimes in winter, in summer it's over 40c. I doubt it's that way in southampton.
Some beautiful snowfall tonight over in Illinois... made driving so dangerous though.
You can take shredlamode's pic and add a few more tonnes of snow for an idea of what greeted me in Scotland when I popped back just recent for grad. Made life HELL getting about. Had so many cancelled meet-ups and trains and it stopped my parents from coming to my grad and BLARRGHHHHHhh. Pull your socks up Britain!