Let it snow......

We've had -20/-25 at the coldest around my area at night. November was the coldest month in around 75 years at areas in Norway. And still we're talking about global warming? lol?
We've had -20/-25 at the coldest around my area at night. November was the coldest month in around 75 years at areas in Norway. And still we're talking about global warming? lol?
Yeah I don't get that global warming thing, it doesn't seem like it's getting warm at all

Were you able to go outside when it was -20? Like, even, just to take a walk.
If by "harsher" you mean that winters get more cold then it's not really a global warming....more like a global cooling
I was kinda counting on the "warming? more like cooling amirite" being tongue in cheek but yeah anthropogenic climate change and the effects of global warming can provide for colder weather in some regions because of the altered weather systems like the Gulf stream n such. It'd be interesting to see what data there is on the correlation between the UK's recent very snowy winters, warmer summers and wetter springs and climate change. 'cos i'm sure it weren't like this when I were a lad!
It's because of heat death of the universe. And the borg.

A foot of snow met me as I opened the door this morning. Just plopped right into the house. Frankfurt got a random snowstorm out of nowhere last night.
It's because of heat death of the universe. And the borg.

A foot of snow met me as I opened the door this morning. Just plopped right into the house. Frankfurt got a random snowstorm out of nowhere last night.
Huh? borg? heat death? Please explain differently because I don't understand

and also, you don't like to reply to pms huh? =D
Huh? borg? heat death? Please explain differently because I don't understand

and also, you don't like to reply to pms huh? =D

Give a man a chance, jesus. Sent reply.

Wikipedia is your friend for understanding. I'm joking about the earth being in peril from Star Trek villains and the end of the universe :lol: Yeah global warming is about the greenhouse effect and rising CO2 emissions in our atmosphere, not the sun getting closer. The only time the sun will get closer will be in billions of years when at the end of its life cycle it expands into a red giant!
Well the snow has arrived here in Southampton......took the Missus to work at 6:15am this morning and there was a bit on the roads then but now there is about 4cm. Seems to be melting already which is great news...although that will probably lead to icy roads when I have to go out tonight
Do you have an idea what is causing this dude? I do look in Wikipedia when I want to know stuff like this, but I can't find about it now

It's all about greenhouse gases and what not. The Earth has something called the greenhouse effect, which traps gases within the planet's atmosphere and keeps the planet warm. However, when there gets too much of it, the planet will, logically, keep getting warmer. Tons of things cause this... gargantuan forest fires, factory pollution, pollution from driving cars, burning coal, etc.

Unless I'm talking out of my ass. I just woke up and I haven't looked over that stuff in years, I even read news a while back about scientists possibly lying about temperature change over the past 30 years, so I don't know what to believe anymore :lol: