Fucking rights! He keeps raising the bar as well, the Dimmu mix is one of the best Metal mixes of ALL TIME IMO.
Without this forum I would be WAY shittier at everything.
Not to mention he is a great person, not a hint of attitude or arrogance!
Just giving the guy some praise from his own community. We often come here to discuss several things that have nothing to do with Andy. In reality, the reason we are all here on this forum is in some way because of him.
Now you're getting creepy dude. Stop doing that.
Joey isn't going to have buttseks with you.
And yes, Andy mixes are so good they could make Chuck Norris cry.
this thread is pure <3. 'bout time we brought this up, again!
and a HUGEEEEEEEEEEEEE +1 to what ERMZ said! This forum alone turned me into what I am today. Amazing.