Let's hear you GROWL!

Woah... Kush... what's with the funky accent?? It's almost like Australian/English or something... What the fuck.. I so, like, don't like, like, talk like that.

Asphyx666, didn't your band used to be called 'Last Funeral'??? Wasn't there another song 'The wisdom i acquired' or something like that??

How fucking small is this world??

If i am not mistaken, you used to go to GuitarWar (unless you are not the guitarist of the band...)?? Was your name Trendkillah... or was that someone else?
hey Trapped

I am indeed not the guitarist, I'm the singer. Our ex-guitarist Sven was on that board. We were called Last Funeral before, yes...and we had a song called The Wisdom I required...

Sven is not in the band anymore. He went to Amsterdam to study studio engineering and couldn't find enough time to invest in the band...

We are now called The Quiescent and our new website is www.thequiescent.com...check it out :)

Take care man
Ahh... cool stuff.

The second i read the song title I was like "What!!? I know this band!"

hope it's all going well for y'all.
Really cool stuff! Kush, Belial, you fucking rock! And Belial, you have a really big nasty voice that suits the style, and btw, you scared the crap out of Satori Jr. (the parrot), hahah ;) Kush, I like your shrillness and evilness.

I'm fucking amazed. Too bad you guys live so fucking far away..

Hey... can someone teach me to do the REALLY high squeal that Dani Filth does??

I have perfected all of Midian except the high squeal that he does occasionally...



Red roses fooooorr... the devils "WWHWHHHOOOOOOAAAAARRRRREEEEE!!!!!""

You know.. that high squeal... i can't work out how the FUCK he does it. :mumble:
I have concluded that my black vocal chords don't allow me to shriek or do anything very high pitched. The most I can manage is a throaty sound like Eternal Tears Of Sorrow. Perhaps I'm just not doing it right, but who knows.
Originally posted by Belial
I have concluded that my black vocal chords don't allow me to shriek or do anything very high pitched. The most I can manage is a throaty sound like Eternal Tears Of Sorrow. Perhaps I'm just not doing it right, but who knows.

Get Kush to explain to you how he does that evil high pitched hissing scream and you'll have the best of both worlds.

A thing of beauty.
