Let's play a little game...

"If I gave you a clue, there would be only three obvious track choices left"

You guessed one of the 3.

So if I get it wrong with Dream of old boats, by my reckoning it must be child of the twilight....or maybe I just went down completely wrong path with the "of the" thing.
Okay, since everyone got misled by one of the poster's direction(which is quite witty and creative, I admit, but that's what I am trying to achieve with this thread, not only to see if people can guess my riddles, but also see what their guesses are like; it is *wrong!*), I will post a new clue right now.

This isn't an old man in a coat. It's a statue.Moreover, look what parts of his body are sculptured. What is it called in English(it is called almost identically in my native language as well). If you've figured out that far, you probably know what the song title is.

I'll also award three more points to a person who tells me what my "hint" would be like if I actually said it.

There, now it is easy!
Aeterea said:
ehm... Cloudbusting?ò_O

Rrrrright! It's Cloudbusting! I still offer points for guessing the "hint" was that never said. :goggly:

Nostalgiaplatz, FEDERICO, Aeterea - 2 points.

Anyway... Here's an easier pic:

After I run out of mine, okay? That should be a good idea in order to both have activity and discipline. When I have no riddles left, I'll leave you to do anything with this thread you like. :)

Now guess the last one on the first page! ;)

Nostalgiaplatz, FEDERICO, Aeterea, Pierrot - 2 points.

Next one next, let's see how long it will take to guess this one:
