Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

DaRkLady said:
wow, u ppl have some funny English!! hehe... i could almost hear your accents and shit.. It's fun trying to make grammatical sense out of half of the stuff that's written... LOL


You can hardly talk captain america.
Sir Myke of Bodom said:
My dog attempted to have sex with the cat yesterday...

the dog is sad today cuz' the cat didn't want to

aaaahahahaha, i've seen that kinda stuf before :lol:
DaRkLady said:
wow, u ppl have some funny English!! hehe... i could almost hear your accents and shit.. It's fun trying to make grammatical sense out of half of the stuff that's written... LOL


i try hardly speak portuguese...

so english i dont even try :p
fucking hell im dieing in here...its been over 30-35 degrees for the past month now...GIMME SOME FOKKING RAIN!!11