Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

naah i can't believe that. my macbook crashed one time since it got it and since it got it i stopped using my windows computer because i realised how much its sucked and still sucks if you're used to mac.

Believe it or not, it's happened and i've got credible sources. I've tried macs but i never get the whole "woah this is so awesome that i have to push fucktonnes of money into a computer that looks and acts like it got spat out of a fisher-price factory"

But still, i'm sure Mac's work well for most people, but i find it interesting that people who were unable(read: too retarded) to make a windows computer work properly, look down upon windows users as if they are lesser.
No, last time I checked 10 people out of the 369 cases world wide have died from it (By the way "last time I checked" was last week, I'm probably out of date by now) thats like, a 2.7% chance of dying if you contract it.
more people die from regular flu, and those who died wouldve died from that too.

Seriously, its just flu, with "swine" in front of it, quit fretting already
I am gonna record a deathcore song


Lyrics would be:
Believe it or not, it's happened and i've got credible sources. I've tried macs but i never get the whole "woah this is so awesome that i have to push fucktonnes of money into a computer that looks and acts like it got spat out of a fisher-price factory"

But still, i'm sure Mac's work well for most people, but i find it interesting that people who were unable(read: too retarded) to make a windows computer work properly, look down upon windows users as if they are lesser.

And...that is why you should just forget Windows and Mac and download Ubuntu :lol:

Seriously though, Tried Ubuntu and it worked pretty darn great for the 5 minutes I saw it...
Hihihi winner get's this :)

And...that is why you should just forget Windows and Mac and download Ubuntu :lol:

Seriously though, Tried Ubuntu and it worked pretty darn great for the 5 minutes I saw it...

Lol im not touching linux, thats a one way road to "can't sleep, must compile kernel"

Seriously, you start out with Ubuntu, then you try harder and harder things, till you go back, crazy stuff :p