Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

CliffBurton said:
my boss smells really bad, and I had a wicked melody stuck in my head not long ago, and when I went to write it down I completely forgot it. :erk:

I had a co-worker who smelled REALLY bad. I'm serious. I could smell him from a distance of 5-6 meters and he smelled like old piss.
:puke: poor you...

anyway, today was my first day at college, it was not that bad..my teacher of History Of Art is funny and he has long hair, a beard and a beer belly :lol:
_DJ_british_motard_ said:
First day at college too, 3hours class tommorrow ive got a 4hours class at 8am...

Four hours? Damn. I could barely stand sitting in class for two hours when I was in high school.

Which classes are you taking?
Wtf French College already started?

I have some seminar thing to go to on the 5th, thats all I know. I was supposed to get my shedual and classes a few weeks ago, I should...go...do that...:erk:


My Mom is getting a new Puppy :oops::oops::oops::oops::oops:
its a shitzu :erk::erk::erk::erk:
Nikotiini said:
I was going to take that class... what is it like?

In Quebec (my province) in Canada we all need to do the philosphy class cuz it's a basic subject. We did nothing important today lol but we have to read some texts. One is about an experience in the 70s at the Max-Planck institute in Munich. They tortured with voltage a lot of citizens to know with how many voltages they could die...I will read it tonight.
\m/NikkiePhillie\m/ said:
I think I'm attracted to my co-worker. And he's the anti-me:erk:

Here's a little update. After spending my first work hour mad at each other,him and I resolved our little fight after I got him more people to train:)