Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

Lady_Laiho said:
I just said i have a boyfriend.
Lady_Laiho said:
I don't need a boyfriend cuz i already have one but i don't really like or love him. I'm just with him for the hell of it. There's no guy that's right for me except for Alexi.
Lady_Laiho said:
Of course I'm sane. There's just no guy as great as Alexi. I need him. He's the only one that i'v ever been so in love with.


and read:

Lady_Laiho said:
I can't wait til i graduate from my school. Then i can do whatever the fuck i want and get Alexi tattooed.

please don't get alexi tattooed on you, when you hate him or something, you'll never remove it
you said username said:
please don't get alexi tattooed on you, when you hate him or something, you'll never remove it

shhhhhhhh, don't spoil the fun
you said username said:
please don't get alexi tattooed on you, when you hate him or something, you'll never remove it
of course u could remove a tattoo anytime :rolleyes:
speakin about tattoos , im gonna get one myself ... after i turn 18!!!
i think she should get Alexi on her chin and CoB on her forehead...