Lets Talk About Random Shit Thread.

Nikotiini said:
So I watched this movie about Vikings last night. It was pretty awesome... and they never worn horned helmets! They also never lived in Finland, which is another thing I did not know. It seems to me that Vikings are one of the most important people in the history of the world, yet we don't learn too much about them in school. :err:

actually this is something that i never understand... the viking conquer half of the world... and there were no viking in finland?
Nikotiini said:
the movie showed all the places that the vikings lived... obviously sweden, but NO finland!

some of the places were norway, denmark, england, north america , greenland, iceland... and i can't remember which, but one country was so impressed with them that they let the Vikings take over....

According to the Native Towns of Mexico, they describe people like the Vikingos, tall, blondes and very white :err: . Before the coming of Cristóbal Colon/Cristoforo Colombo.
Nikotiini said:
true, I hate how we are taught that Christopher columbus discovered the americas.... really no one did bc they were already inhabited. Vikings were the first visitors in my book :)

the first european boy born in north america was a Viking named....

sonoria i think......

I am a descedant from Cristóbal Colón :cry: , don't speak badly about him :lol: .
The Nerevarine said:
According to the Native Towns of Mexico, they describe people like the Vikingos, tall, blondes and very white :err: . Before the coming of Cristóbal Colon/Cristoforo Colombo.

same here :p

EDIT@ a viking boat was found once in the Amazon