Let's talk wrasslin'

That must've taken quite a bit of work, screen grabbing and writing it all out. It's cool though. I'm really enjoying watching these old Nitros. It's really starting to ramp up now with Hall & Nash there, Rey Mysterio debuting, Malenko and Guerrero having great matches. It's really, really hard to top this stuff. Right now, I'm watching a match between the Blue Bloods and Public Enemy. I said it before, but Steve Regal is a fucking gem. His wrestling, character work, facial expressions, everything is spot on.

When reading through your post about Scott Steiner having the long black hair and being clean shaven, it was something I noticed too. He looked a lot more laid back, almost friendly that way but the stories people tell paint a much different picture. I think him and Rick were so strong and tough, nobody could really stop their antics.
Lol yeah, the blogs were fun to write but majorly time consuming. An average episode in that time period is about 1 hour 20m - 1 hour 30m, due to the adverts being cut out. I have to watch pretty much the whole episode plus regular pauses for screencaps, writing down thoughts, checking sites like DDT Digest for additional info, etc. Ends up taking 3 or 4 hours at least, which is why I only ever managed 2 or 3 a year max. It's too much time for something I was never planning to promote anywhere, that I was just doing to amuse a small group of people. It gave me new appreciation for some wrestlers though - and a realisation that I really dislike others. Duggan, Public Enemy, etc. I also realised what an absolute shit stirrer Mean Gene was, lmao.

Have to say I'm definitely going to miss the Network when it goes. I'll quite often flick the Network on whilst I'm working and put some classic wrestling on. It's perfect background TV and there's such a massive library available. I can go from mid-90s WCW to a random Raw or Smackdown to Wrestlemania to a classic WCW PPV, maybe an ECW PPV if I'm feeling adventurous. Then there's the stuff like Mid-South, WCCW, documentaries, etc. I have some good memories of working from home in the conversatory with our dog who passed away a few months ago laying beside me, almost always with a random Nitro show on. She probably knew Schiavone, Heenan, Zybszko and Tenay's voices as well as she knew ours :tickled: not to mention Mean Gene and Hogan. I dunno how Netflix will incorporate the Network but I hope they'll preserve the OG Network's legacy, as losing all of this would be really sad. I've downloaded all of the important WCW stuff, but that doesn't replace being able to switch between so much awesome content. Yes the UI is garbage, but I can deal with it these days.

All of the stuff I've read about the Steiners in WCW paints them as braindead bullies. Not too dissimilar to their wrestling characters, tbh, although Rick with his 'dog faced gremlin' persona came across as a harmless simpleton for the most part until around 1999 when he moved away from that character into something more serious (and boring). Their promos during the mid-90s Nitros are admittedly pretty hilarious, just due to the absolute insanity. The Steiners and the Dungeon of Doom were both ridiculously out there when it comes to interviews. In a very entertaining way, though.