Life Goals

Well I did go to the post office two weeks ago to send the package out. The negress (she may or may have not been black, does it matter?) said I had to use a different type of box in order to send it overseas. Also, what is the deal with USPS not allowing the use of string to tie wrapping to packages? This seems to be quite common from packages received from Eastern Europe, yet such an adornment can not be used on domestic packaging.

Life Goal- To never be without a goal to pursue.

Crimson Velvet said:
I just want a job I like and some peace and quiet and heavy metal.

I applaud thee :kickass:
I want to learn as much as possible, hopefully find some shit out that no body has found out before in the field of Chemistry or Chemical Engineering, preferably Chemistry.

And to have another little swizzlenuts to hate christianity as much as I do :)
everyone with an interest in how having a "job you like" affects your life quality needs to read my favourite book ever, "keep the aspidistra flying"
also, i, too, have noticed that sometimes when i order shit from russia, i get it in a cardboard box with string wrapped around it. from america or europe, always packing tape.
Having a career you enjoy is way overrated. If I actually liked my job I'd end up like one of the sadsacks here, spending all their away time either hanging out with coworkers or working overtime for no god damn reason other than utter boredom with their life. Fuck that, I'd rather go read a book touch a boob drink a beer have some sex eat granola take a hike paint a picture listen to music talk to mom pet a dog fly a kite get a boner donate a kidney rear a child walk a walk etc.

Note: I don't hate my job but if I never had to come back (ie: won the lottery), believe you me, I wouldn't.
enjoying your job is not the same thing as enjoying the company of your coworkers.

what's wrong with you is that the "oh awesome work is over i get to go home and touch boobs/computers/beers" feeling is the best thing in your life

actually it's probably not but there's a point in there somewhere i just can't be bothered to dig it out
have kids
move to a quiet place on a lake or ocean somewhere someday somehow
dont mind working till im 70, but i prefer the wife be stay-at-home-mom
find that damn hirilorn album
have a small house built on my acres in east texas to visit and enjoy
Erik said:
what's wrong with you is that the "oh awesome work is over i get to go home and touch boobs/computers/beers" feeling is the best thing in your life

I'd say the actual boobing, beering, computering itself is the best feeling in the world, although the excitement of 5pm certainly isn't bad.

Would I rather be writing for a living? Absolutely, but I don't see working a pointless job that pays well as that big of a deal. Lots of time/money for my hobbies, which is what is important to me. The world = not perfect.

Although this is just me being content for the time being, knowing my spastic personality this could change at any moment. :loco:
Life goals?

I want to get a job that I don't consider torture (read: enjoy for a challenge, but don't feel is vampiricaly sucking my soul/life energy away) that pays me enough to do the things I want.

Those things are:
- to see as much of the "cold" parts of the world as possible (I hate the heat)
- to do a variety of shit such as ski, white water kayaking, hiking, mountain climbing, mountain biking, fishing (fresh water beside small rivers with a canoe in the middle of nowhere, fuck big boat bullshit)
- Listen to lots of kickass metal
- listen to other kickass music
- drink lots of kickass beer
- eat lots of kickass food

and to do all of that shit with a few good friends and/or a bint

I like my goals.
NADatar said:
I'd say the actual boobing, beering, computering itself is the best feeling in the world, although the excitement of 5pm certainly isn't bad.

Would I rather be writing for a living? Absolutely, but I don't see working a pointless job that pays well as that big of a deal. Lots of time/money for my hobbies, which is what is important to me. The world = not perfect.

Although this is just me being content for the time being, knowing my spastic personality this could change at any moment. :loco:

What if your job would be doing research, like what I would like to do? yes it will take up a lot of your time, and less time for boobing, but I think all the time spent gaining knowledge and finding new shit will be great, plus I like to be busy.

Plus boobing/beering on the side.
swizzlenuts said:
What if your job would be doing research, like what I would like to do? yes it will take up a lot of your time, and less time for boobing, but I think all the time spent gaining knowledge and finding new shit will be great, plus I like to be busy.
Sure, why not! Ideally I would have a career I enjoy, but I currently don't find it necessary. I don't have a problem with work being a means to an end and nothing more, my intellectual and artistic pursuits lie elsewhere.

Again though, this is me now. I have bouts of "I need to do something fulfilling with my career" from time to time, and hey, maybe one day I'll actually act on one. Of course just by having this discussion I'm looking around my office thinking "fuck, I could be doing so much more" so perhaps I'm not as content as I'd like to think. :loco:
lizard said:
man you guys suck at mailing stuff. I mailed Nad an envelope this morning, which I promised him yesterday. I guess I've achieved all I can here.
If you need further goals, I can help.

a) eradicate the jews
b) restore Mussolini to power AGAIN
c) wear snazzy black leather uniforms
Conspicuously Absent said:
Life goals?

I want to get a job that I don't consider torture (read: enjoy for a challenge, but don't feel is vampiricaly sucking my soul/life energy away) that pays me enough to do the things I want.

Those things are:
- to see as much of the "cold" parts of the world as possible (I hate the heat)
- to do a variety of shit such as ski, white water kayaking, hiking, mountain climbing, mountain biking, fishing (fresh water beside small rivers with a canoe in the middle of nowhere, fuck big boat bullshit)
- Listen to lots of kickass metal
- listen to other kickass music
- drink lots of kickass beer
- eat lots of kickass food

and to do all of that shit with a few good friends and/or a bint

I like my goals.

I like your goals. Would you lend them to me?
At the moment, I'm trying to learn as much about music recording, mixing and production as possible, through reading a shitload on the Internet, doing college courses (just got a Distinction grade for my BTEC course in Sound Recording Techniques) and, eventually, going to the School of Sound Recording in Manchester to do an eighteen-month course in Audio Technology and Engineering. After that, I'd like to see if I can work for venues as a live sound engineer, and also do some work as an assistant at studios, building practical experience and earning money to get my own recording studio together. That pretty much how my career/life goals pan out.

I'd ideally like to have a studio that makes enough money to keep me in fairly comfortable lifestyle, which would allow me to do stuff like offer local/unsigned bands the opportunity to record higher-than-normal quality demos for somewhat discounted prices - just to keep the underground scene supported, y'know? :)