Life Goals

in the last year alone, 3 people I know died of a heart attack ... my aunt at 74 last year, and 2 members of the MINI community I belong to ... one a guy in his 50's, another a 42 year old ... both during daily activities.
Honestly, Rick was pretty overweight and remember all those posts about what nasty fast food he was eating at the time? Coulda been a heart attack I guess.
That's my guess. Obituary says he died in the hospital so it sounds like they got to him in time to at least try to save him.
Yeah... Mike, the other guy I knew, seemed to have a pretty unhealthy lifestyle, but he was (similar to Liz) one of the friendliest, nicest guys I knew. He owned a landscaping company and one of my buddies from work was a client of his. One time Mike came in to work looking for Al (the client) and started talking to me about high school in the 70s, *****, women and life in general. He was a great guy, I ended up talking to him almost weekly at work, every time I saw him there he'd spend a good 30-45 minutes talking. then one day Al tells me he passed away by heart attack early in the morning. his fiancee saw him up walking around at 5:30am and found him dead in his bed at 7.
I just hope he didn't suffer, or if he did die suddenly I hope his family is recovering from the shock, that's never happened to one of my loved ones so I can only imagine how horrible losing someone to unnatural causes or without any sign of failing health must be. And on a lighter note, someone needs to carry on his tradition of taking the piss out of black metal excesses... :)
Before this year the only deaths I'd experienced were those of my father's parents, both of lung cancer. As an adult, the experience is much more difficult, even though I practically hated two of the people who've died in the past year (and rightfully so) I can't help but feel bad now that they're gone.
Demonspell said:
. And on a lighter note, someone needs to carry on his tradition of taking the piss out of black metal excesses... :)
haha seriously, I will sorely miss Liz's presence on this forum. I could always count on him for a laugh. I was planning on hooking up with him last time I was in Ohio but didn't have the time. Really should have. :erk: