Life Philosophies

I strongly believe in a "keep my mouth shut" philosophy. Every time i want to make a comment or critisize someone or something, I just try and keep quiet. That way, when things turn out to be bad, I won't regret what i may have said.
Originally posted by Jayde
There's this liquid candy in a tube with a little candy worm inside that's good. And gummy worms are good. But not tomato worms.
Mystic Leech. That's actually what it's called.
As for my life philosophies, I have generally the same ones as mr. YaYo and mr. Hoser. Agnostics arn't terribly different as far as these things go.
~ Don't have high expectations about stuff. 'Cause if they don't
turn out the way you thought you'll just be dissapointed!

~ Everything bad and shitty will almost always be good in the end.
It might take time, but the time will come sooner or later...

~ Just be yourself and do what just YOU want.
Let yourself be your own guide in life!

~ Treat people like they treat you!
Trust No One (and I know Steve Austin of the WWF says this, but it's true)

oops - I just saw Blackheart already said this - so I agree
Take some time out of every day to just indulge yourself and relax. Listen to music, savor a bit of chocolate, read a book, or whatever the hell relaxes you. The world is too shitty to worry about it every second of every day. Learn to relax or you will eventually die from all the stress.
Hoser's got it...I find it more interesting to question just about everything. Demanding answers? Hm. Well, I'm not much of a demanding person...but, I get what ya saying. ;)

And Metalman's "shut the fuck up and listen once and a while" is good stuff too. Stop trying to make your point once and a while and give a moments thought to what this other jamoka is saying.

Brutalizer: Treat people like they treat you. Hm. Sounds good, but will I be able to be a complete fucking asshole at that intersection or in the high-speed line and hold up the traffic. Hm. I don't think I could. Why is that? Why is it that I would feel like a complete jackass if I drove like that, yet this chooch in front of me does with the phone on his head like he was born that way and it doesn't phase him in the least?? Why?! :mad: :rolleyes:

"How I drape my face with my bare hands.
The same that brought me here."
Man there are some good thought in here I guess I have some new one's to live by :)

Belial I really wish I could take time out in my days but It seems like I'm always wraped up in something :(

~don't belive in luck you have make thing happend
Originally posted by metalmancpa
shut the fuck up and listen once in a while :grin:

This is very cool. Silence is often underestimated. Without silence, there can be no entrance for music.

Wolff's thesis I like too.

Mullholand D
"In a way a perceive myself as my own god,my own master,my own slave" In the woods...
"My thoughts are my bible,that's by what i live" Diary of dreams,butterfly:dance!

Be your own master,rule your life and be open-minded and empathetic...
  • Noone wants truth, just general knowledge.
  • Mankind is too far gone to be saved.
  • Music is an artform.
  • Noone is truly enlightened.
  • Death is reliable.
  • People = shit. ("people" doesnt mean EVERYONE, people is often a term used to describe those who are always part of a trend, and are the sheep of society, never thinking for them selves. It is these people are not truly humans, as humans think for themselves.)