...and her job sucking so hard I'm not even allowed to legally discuss what happened...
Three years later I can talk about it! The wife work for cops. Her coworker stole $346,000 from them and is now in the pokey... trial pending. What a maroon.
Ever since buying a house I'm a FUCKTON more broke than before, but hey, at least the poorhouse we're rocketing toward is our very own. And that's cool.
Work is stressful but still "fulfilling," whatever the hell that is supposed to mean. My biggest gripe after 9 years in construction was that it was boring. Oh how I would take boring over hectic some of these days!
Marriage is good, now been together almost 9 years, holy fuck. Got a handjob this morning, pretty cool.
My one band broke up, but from the ashes rises another. And my main band gigs every weekend now, we seem to have a small following and everything.
I'm too fat, 183 pounds is at least 8 too many. I never gave a shit when I was a hefty 225 a decade ago, but I'm now I'm OLD and health conscious.
5 days a week I hike almost 2 miles and then go Jeepin' as often as possible, once a month at the very least. Exploring and spending time with nature is the best thing I can do in life, and the Jeep has taken me to some extremely remote places where no mortals dwell, so that's even better.
Still depressed and deal with latent anger issues, but hey man, a B- is still pretty solid living I'd say.