Like Fire Project


Remove The Limbs
Jul 4, 2007
Canada B.C
Long ago people were wanting to do something with this as a cover and now that I don't have inferior equiptment we can get things rolling. Greiv0r and I have got the drums and guitars done, So..

Is there anyone who can record Bass to the song?
And for vocals

Who all wants a part in the song? I am taking 2 parts for myself, and half of when me and *inserts name here* growls "LIKE FIRE!"

That leaves 7 parts open for whomever wants them, but you must be able to record a wav. file to the track and then send it back to me for mixing etc.

So the parts are

I am eternal
The ruler of the earth and sky
I am infernal
I am on a quest to see the heavens die
My fascination with the dead
Won't be fulfilled here on this killing spree

And when they dream
That's when my spirit arise
And when they scream
A little part of them dies
I find my way into the minds of the weak
They're led astray
It's now my path that they seek

You die before me
Your destiny is in my hands
You are soon to see
My one desire is to rule this world eternally

And when they dream
That's when my spirit arise
And when they scream
A little part of them dies
I find my way into the minds of the weak
They're led astray
It's now my path that they seek

You will never reach me
I am the darkest one
You will never heal me
A mind beyond repair
I will make you fear me
I slay your hopes and dreams
You're lost forever
In this world of mine

I devastate your life
And crush your every dream
No human being will perceive your silent scream
The king of rapture will betray your soul tonight
The life of yours is soon to end in brutal death

Don't look me in the eyes if you're awake
Just a glimpse of me will put your life at stake
I am the horizon
I am the serpent of the dead
My gaze will burn your skin and flesh into a crisp

Like fire - [EmeticGore + Scavneck]
Like fire - [EmeticGore + Scavneck]

This very morbid mind of mine
Will set your course into an early grave
I twist your fate and seal your doom
I bid you welcome - my eternal slave

Post which part you'd like here, then once all is agreed upon I'll start sending the song via E-mail.
Song turned out pretty fuckin' good I must say. I got a new sound for my drumset and Emetic nailed the RTC guitar tone. Although it really could use some bass, that would fatten up the sound a lot.
Emetic put me down for the first "You die before me" verse I want to give this a shot. I'm no death metal vocalist but I'll record and see how it sounds, if it's shit then I'll give it to someone else.
Hey. Long time reader, no poster. Saw this and i couldn't resist. I'm a bassist (5-stringer) and vocalist. I know this song perfectly - can play it without tab or fretboard references. I can do any vocal part without problems. PM or E-mail, if interested.
Very cool idea :)

The following part would be interesting to me:

"And when they dream
That's when my spirit arise
And when they scream
A little part of them dies
I find my way into the minds of the weak
They're led astray
It's now my path that they seek"

But unfortunately I've destroyed my voice with too much alcohol yesterday. Is it okay to wait a week? Then my voice is back again and I would give it a try :)
But unfortunately I've destroyed my voice with too much alcohol yesterday. Is it okay to wait a week? Then my voice is back again and I would give it a try :)
Mine is also a bit trashed. When I woke up this morning i sounded like Lemmy singin' "Ace Of Spades" :>
Definetly interested in this, id love to pick up:

"I devastate your life"..

Also I can do the double "Like Fire" with you, I can do a mean growl if you need it.
Alright then one left, I would love it if Scav, Belac or Wandering Taco could do it

Don't look me in the eyes if you're awake
Just a glimpse of me will put your life at stake
I am the horizon
I am the serpent of the dead
My gaze will burn your skin and flesh into a crisp
Emetic you can take me off for any vocal duties, I was drunk last night when I thought I could do death vocals....and I can't haha. I'll just stick to the drums.
As far as vocals go...when recording your vocals make a seperate track with just the vocals and send that file (as high quality as you can make it) and we will mix it in. If everybody adds vocals and saves the whole song 7 times its going to compressed to hell and sound like shit.

Also what about all the screaming at the end of the song?