Like Fire Project

If I could get one of my better programs to function I'd be glad to try mixing (damn you cubase!!), usually I have pretty good success. Gonna try to do some better takes if I can too, it's a pain not being able to choose if the program will crash half-way through a good take or not.

lol, how did emetic get written out of his parts? lol. Or is it jsut not sent yet?
Belac: It wasn't sent to me yet, we're talking on msn "as we post" so I have the stuff now, the only problem was I put you on his place when the 2nd verse comes in "And when they dream, that's when my spirit arise etc"
Unfortunetly no, not trying to be offensive but it's a pretty muddy bass sound. Alot of it was out of time too, so instead of asking you to do it a 3rd time I just left it alone. The effort is appreciated but we just can't do much with it.
No prob ;) I could have done, but recording is something that must be done with all of the ppl at the same place, not online imo :)
I only have to mix it, tune the volume levels and set the voices tempo better, will be done tomorrow, haven't been at home these days.

Would be cool to have anyone recording bass for it, and would be cool if Belac could record with better sound quality, due to that it stands out a little, in a bad way heh.
I only have to mix it, tune the volume levels and set the voices tempo better, will be done tomorrow, haven't been at home these days.

Awesome can't wait to hear finished product. When you do get it finalized and mixed make a new thread with everyones names and the part they took etc.

As Arnold would say, DO IT NOOWWW CMONN!! :heh:

I just want to thank everyone who contributed to this. Everytime I've attempted to do covers or collaborations over the internets I do my end on the drums and get dicked over by guitarists/vocalists. So to everyone that made this happen finally, THANK YOU!
I just want to thank everyone who contributed to this. Everytime I've attempted to do covers or collaborations over the internets I do my end on the drums and get dicked over by guitarists/vocalists. So to everyone that made this happen finally, THANK YOU!

Haha. I noticed this believe me. Your part in this was half the reason I kept trying until I got something. lol. "That fucker grive0r, he has done like 500 drum tracks and no one has picked anything up, gotta give him this one!"