Like Fire Project

Aye, gotcha. I believe we are still just waiting on the new bass track to mix in and the song will be sent out for everyone to complete their part. I'm pretty sure Emetic told me that someone else that had more experience here was going to mix it once we get all the vocals done?
Waiting to talk to EG but I dunno what's goin on with bass so I don't see a problem with sending out the drum/guitar track to get vocals done from everyone while we wait... stay posted.
Check your pm's Leimy.

Is there anyone else doing vocals missing the song? Emetic has done vocals so far but I think that is about it. :\
I am indeed doing vocals! I just got the song tonight and will work on it as soon as I switch my sound card to on-board (mic jack is fucked on my card). Apparently its common with the card I got, something not commonly known when I bought it. Figures, since a big part of why I got this sound card was recording purposes. Fuck my luck. (Watch Auzentech Products folks, hearing a lot of people are suddenly having this issue)

It's been so long since I recorded something, let alone had you folks listen. It should be good, even if practice time is limited.