List of guitar ampsim software

we need 2 build an andy sneap forum amp - there are so many of us here - we know what we want and what we need and require and what makes a good amp for metal - hell we know better then most people out there because we live through the shit day after day

hint: we call it the ross amp because it was my fucking idea :P

haha serious though i think we should try build one - a very flexible, ir loadable, gate including amp with black jack and hookers

I thought I did that already complete with the how do mix, and a hyper link directly to the forum? However, I did not include the IR loading...So, I digress :)
Please dont take me cussing like a sailor (it's just what I do bro, it's just what I do) as bagging anything about the amp or you making it, duder. I've had issues with it in both Cubase 5 and Reaper, goes like this: it works fine in a full mix but let's say there's a part where there's no bass playing...then everything else starts to slow down, and playback is super choppy. When I remove the plugin and add a different amp sim in it's place, everything is fine, no issues. Now I just got your new version and aim to check it out again to see if it still does it.

Again, please dont take my potty mouth wrong, dude (especially since I see English isn't your first language and that can lead to misunderstandings). I'm a nice person. :)

Ronald, I had this same problem with Series 60 and C-15, I simply added some noise at -180 db to the output stream. Its because when the input is cut it forces the CPU into a denormal situation, so, adding that inaudible noise adds a value further away from zero, thus preventing the CPU from going into a "denormal" situation..

Hope that helps but you probably already figured that out..:)
Ken : I have tried SynthMaker .. It became a mess with all those wires, and the interface was too slow on my computer..
So I use C++ .. It takes longer time, but I feel I have full control on what's going on "at the core" (to solve bugs etc).. my approach is based on precalculated current's stored in LUT's which I then use in a numerical electric circuit .. I don't want to go back to Synthmaker using _that_ approach at least ;)
Onqel (and anyone else with programming know-how), I'm only just beginning to learn about programming, but if C++ code (as a higher-level language) isn't specific to any hardware or software configuration, wouldn't making a Mac version of, say, X30, be as simple as just compiling it to Mac? Apologies in advance, since I'm clearly missing something :D
Onqel (and anyone else with programming know-how), I'm only just beginning to learn about programming, but if C++ code (as a higher-level language) isn't specific to any hardware or software configuration, wouldn't making a Mac version of, say, X30, be as simple as just compiling it to Mac? Apologies in advance, since I'm clearly missing something :D

Well, almost ;) There are a couple of issues I'm having:

1. I don't have a Mac
2. I can't afford a Mac
3. I won't buy a Mac just to compile 1 plugin
4. I have tried installing OSX as VMWare, but getting all the stuff I actually need to compile it seems almost impossible since everything needs to be downloaded from and that site is a big mess!!.. Ross have helped me getting some of the stuff I need, but I still need the CoreAudio SDK ..
5. I'm lazy as hell

I use the IPlug VST/AU framework so it should be pretty straight forward doing the porting.

Good luck with the programming ;) Once you learn the basics it's like riding a bike :lol:
Cool, thanks dude, at least the obstacles to a Mac version are relatively easy to overcome (money notwithstanding), rather than having to rewrite a large portion of the code or something - also, when you say "getting all the [Mac/OSX] stuff I actually need to compile it", surely you don't mean you're gonna write your own compiler? I would think there would be compilers available that could run on PC's but compile programs to a Mac-compatible executables? (and thus you wouldn't actually need to own a Mac, or maybe this isn't possible)
No I don't have to write my own compiler ;)
The porting should be pretty straight forward, but since I'm not familiar with the OSX platform yet I'm not sure how problematic it is in real life :P
I basically only need XCode, CoreAudio SDK (for AU's) and some good luck to compile the X30 for Mac...
Hey Anssi,
You want to update the Mokafix entry on the first page?
They've released a whole batch more plugins.

I just got my Ltd back the other week, finally got a chance to try it out with some of the free ampsims available and i ran it through the TSS->Solo C (LePou)->Boogex (Splawn Impluse?)->EQ just to reduce the harsher freqs

Gotta say i was blown away, the SoloC even on its own, i'm finding it so much easier to dial in a nice tone...

The EP i'm mixing right now, the guitarist recorded his solo through a Pod which i was up until now running through an impulse and eq, but i tried running it through the SoloC for shits and giggles and couldnt believe how much it brought the leads to life!!
I understand it takes a looooong time to programme these things, but i wondered if anyone planned to make ampsims of the following??

ISP Decimator Gate
Boss HM-2
Maxon OD820

The ISP especially, as i noticed there aren't many (if any) guitar specific noise-gates
Little note to all friends, long time not see you guyz.

REVOLUTIONZ BASS is just release today.



I understand it takes a looooong time to programme these things, but i wondered if anyone planned to make ampsims of the following??

ISP Decimator Gate
Boss HM-2
Maxon OD820

The ISP especially, as i noticed there aren't many (if any) guitar specific noise-gates

Hallo sir, if you can find some one that may translate inside the electronic, maybe i could make it for you.
For ex -> what freq it touch, how its flow. bla bla bla...