Hahaha I've seen that show! Assuh a true blue coonass raht deah I tell you dat much mmhmm. The real coonasses are closer to Lake Charles/Lafayette and on down to Houma rather than Nawlins, and this guy is a real Acadienne coonass.
I'm actually from the part with no coonasses, but for what it's worth the bayou is more interesting. There's a reason bands like Acid Bath, Eyehategod, Crowbar, and Down come from south La. and not the north. I've got family in and around the south but I mainly hail from the area of those ridiculous Duck Dynasty guys.
Interestingly enough, my grandfather was a professor at Louisiana Tech and actually remembers having the boss of Duck Dynasty in his classes. He was actually on a football scholarship and was really good, but he liked hunting and fishing so much that he just dropped it because it was getting in the way of hunting and fishing. He said he would come to class fresh out of the deer stand or duck blind with the same clothes, even to practice with bait and tackle and gear and stuff. He was sort of ridiculous even by Louisiana standards. I guess he got the last laugh, though.
Last year Crowbar came and played a really small outdoor show here around the Treviso/Venice area and I started talking to the drummer, and he was blown away that I was from Louisiana and living in Italy. He brought me over to the merch to introduce me to Kirk and his wife and said, "Hey this dude's from Louisiana but he lives here!", and then I introduced myself.
She goes, "Yep, you can tell because of the accent!"
I then reply, "I haven't lived in Louisiana for what's now literally half my life...I've been away for the past 18 years...and you can still hear my accent? I speak Italian and teach English and had to drop my accent for the most part, but you can still hear it?"
She says, "Oh yeah, definitely."
I was like, "Well, fuck"