Listening to thread???

Just heard this band today for the first time. Sounds a lot like grunge (Soundgarden needs to get this vocalist...) mixed with thrash at times. Don't care if you don't like it. I do. :Saint:

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I never would have thought Nightwish could pull of a good Megadeth cover, but...

I've been trippin' on this. All-girl visual kei power metal. For real.

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I never would have thought Nightwish could pull of a good Megadeth cover
me neither, and it turns out i would have been right. super cheese cover of an already half-assed megadeth song. dave's crappy vocals actually kind of help the original, these vomit fromage all over the place.
Well, not too contradictory viewpoints there.

Finnish accents aside, the only real failing is the solo. Marty Friedman isn't easy to copy to begin with but Emppu really blew it on this one.
yea I was intrigued at first but I think you should listen to the original again to compare the two. Not a great cover, but a decent one.

Also, I've been listening to a lot of pearl jam lately. It's really weird and random because I found an old cd and decided to pop it in. Specifically this song has really been moving me:

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That Megadeth cover makes me physically ill.

This album has been my jam as of late.

yep, its death metal weather! my DM rotation lately has been lots of:

Illdisposed - Submit
Dead Congregation - Graves of the Archangels
Wormed - Exodromos
Repugnant - Epitome of Darkness

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The "Gentleman" on the cover kind of looks like King too...
What the hell is up with the link not showing the video correctly?

Anyway, Kyng's Trampled Sun is a really goddamn good album. They only have one album, but their debut is pretty fucking amazing, and anyone who digs Soundgarden or Blackbird era Alter Bridge, Black Sabbath and AIC would probably really enjoy it.
More Japanese melo-death: G∀LMET. And did I mention they're girls?

They don't look the part, do they? Still vastly better than that atrocious "Ropes" song from In Flames that's been floating around.
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That song would be infinitely better without the ear-bleeding "vocals". At least you can somewhat understand Angela Gossow.
Hell I've always hated melo-death vocals. But it's impossible to imagine "The Jester Race" or "Natural Born Chaos" with a singer like Bruce or Warrell or even Chuck Billy, who has always been my favorite thrash vocalist.
That's probably because you became used to the vocals being on those specific songs after it was ingrained into memory. Considering how much Maiden was in In Flames already, it's not that hard to imagine Bruce doing the vocals. I don't particularly care for melodeth vocals either, but they aren't all exactly the same. I somewhat like the At The Gates vocals and can even tolerate the In Flames vocalist (barely), but Galmet just has an extra raspy shrill that's pretty obnoxious and borderlines on noise.

Musically there's nothing wrong with the band, but nothing extraordinary either unless all you care about is that it's being played by women. I can't help but think of your typical anime music, or those metalized video game soundtracks from the early 00's.
the difference is anders from in flames and tomas from at the gates are (were) really good at that style, so even if you arent personally too into that style you can still appreciate a skillful performance. this broad is just plain fuckin awful, riffs are generic, total chick-band gimick, its crap.
I never said they were the best melo-death band. Just something new and interesting. My favorite band of the genre remains Shadow, which are also Japanese and female-fronted. Crying shame this band never went beyond 2 albums.

And I am aware of the Maiden legacy in IF. Jesper basically said he wanted to take Maiden style melody and play it at double speed with death metal vocals just to be different. he succeeded in that regard. Shame the guy is a shell of himself these days.
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