Listening to thread???


Too bad Al whored himself out on those pathetic plastic Ovations.
I like it Kevin. However, I wouldn't say it sounds like Devin Townsend, but rather more like Leprous meets Faith No More.

Leprous, really? That's another band that I have on very heavy rotation, but I'm not hearing it yet. I hear mostly FNM with very slight traces of Devin's solo stuff as well as the djent. It's not even just the vocals that give it that FNM sound, even if they sound a hell of a lot like Mike in many instances.

New Death Angel is fantastic. Fan-fucking-tastic.

Damn, only listened to the first song so far, but that sounds great. Been waiting forever for another good thrash album ever since the two released by Havok.
Actually, after posting, I started listening to Leprous' Coal again, and every so often some vocals would pop up that sounded a hell of a lot like something Devin would do. So who knows, maybe we are hearing something similar. Musically though, I'm not really hearing Leprous all that much in TFN, but maybe I'll notice it later.

Oh, here's one of the best songs off of Coal.

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Yes Subrosa is fucking awesome. Their new one is my #2 favorite album of the year. No Help For the Mighty Ones is a pretty rad album too.

My #1 AOTY is definitely the new In Solitude. Amazing blend of 80s heavy metal and goth.

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Yes Subrosa is fucking awesome. Their new one is my #2 favorite album of the year. No Help For the Mighty Ones is a pretty rad album too.

My #1 AOTY is definitely the new In Solitude. Amazing blend of 80s heavy metal and goth.

Holy shit, thanks for posting this. I had actually been checking around to see when this band was actually going to release a new album for a while, and must have given up before any info was released. I had no idea that this was already out. TWTFTD was probably one of my top three favorites of 2011.
New Death Angel is fantastic. Fan-fucking-tastic.

Agreed with the new DA - no, it isn't a big stretch for them, but if you want solid thrash with lots of attitude this is a great cd. I've seen them live a few times over the last couple of years and they really bring it - lots of energy and really tight, I'm happy they are still at it and finding themselves a little bit of success here at the late stages of their careers.