Listening to thread???

All my vids show up as links as well, still can't figure out how to link vids anymore.

It's just youtube in brackets, the link, youtube end brackets now. The link is just whatever is displayed on the youtube URL after the equal sign. It's a really lame way to have to link, but at least it works I suppose.
Yeah it takes me like 10 minutes to figure it out every time I try now. It used to just be tags with the last part of the URL in the middle. That doesn't work now. I basically have to just experiment until something works.

Fix this shit, Deron!!!

I do need to fix it.

Google moved everything to use httpS:// - so to get a video to show, just remove the "s" and it'll work.
Just discovered these boys. Check out the fro on the drummer. Nice old school style of playing and a hell of a lead guitarist.

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Clicked the video expecting to hear the same cliche death shit that's always posted (soley based off the name).

Was disappointed. Vocals sound somewhat like Dark Tranquility though; which is acceptable. It actually sounds quite a bit like Children of Bodom to me, but less shrieky.

Fuck man, this stuff is great.

Okay, anyone who enjoys a daily dose of shred needs to listen to Slave to the Sword. It's all kinds of Children of Bodom, Manowar, Megadeth (you know, the good kind), Helstar (Nosferatu), King Diamond, Helloween and Malmsteen.

Slave to the Sword is the kind of album that truly surprised me. I had expectations of what a new Exmortus record would sound like and the band utterly destroyed those expectations with a solid swing of thrash infused steel. While Exmortus was always an act that I kept an eye on, this third album is the record I have been waiting for them to make, and it blew me away.
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Well I sure made a fan out of you. :) I found them by accident. I was reading an article on the LA Weekly site, saw their best of LA bands, and there was Exmortus listed as the best LA metal band. The Weekly has good taste.
Mary's Blood. The guitar solo is insane.

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This is so much better than Arch Enemy. Obviously, 4 chicks in mini-skirts > only 1 chick in a mini-skirt.

That being said, I personally prefer to separate some of my activities. Either I watch porn, or a listen to Cannibal Corpse, but I really don't like having a mix of both at the same time.
Hey guys, I don't know what you're up to now, but I just released the first album of my oldest band! I'm very very happy with that (it's not my first, but it's the first time I did so much). Here's some shameless advertising:

You can download the full album on bandcamp (or buy the jewel case CD - if you ever plan on doing that PM me instead of buying the bandcamp thing because of the hidden costs):

Also, the oblig facebook link in case you want to have some news, or just do social network things with it:
And the website (which is basically the FB timeline with some additional info):

BTW, I'd like to get a maximum number of reviews, especially in the US. If you can send me the maximum number of links to website/magazine that would be eager to review this album, I would very much appreciate it.
Hey guys, I don't know what you're up to now, but I just released the first album of my oldest band! I'm very very happy with that (it's not my first, but it's the first time I did so much). Here's some shameless advertising:

You can download the full album on bandcamp (or buy the jewel case CD - if you ever plan on doing that PM me instead of buying the bandcamp thing because of the hidden costs):

Also, the oblig facebook link in case you want to have some news, or just do social network things with it:
And the website (which is basically the FB timeline with some additional info):

BTW, I'd like to get a maximum number of reviews, especially in the US. If you can send me the maximum number of links to website/magazine that would be eager to review this album, I would very much appreciate it.

If they sound like twelve year old kids to you, there must be a lot of people in Australia growing up on growth hormones.

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I don't like the new Soen.

I'll tell you what's great though is the new goddamn Nightingale record, Retribution. I cannot stop listening to it. It is quickly becoming one of my top....3 or 4 albums of the year...(possibly even number 2 (but not sure)....anyway, it's by far the band's bet record. Swano sounds brilliant, the songs are so catchy and the melodies are just fucking classy. It's a very, very strong record and any fan of prog rock should give it a go. 9/10.