
Oh, you are right alright, Mr. Sonm! :)

Somwhow I remeber Gena and Cheburashka more like characters of anecdotes, rather than literary heros.
nay, only Gena and Cheburashka. Karlsson comes from a book. :)

Started reading some stuff about vampires and other odd creatures yesterday...fine so far. Quite a fairy-tale.
(&^!)&^@)(*#&)!(*@&)@(*#&)!(@*3... Quantum optics dominates by now...
There there, Sonm! I'm sure you can handle it! I believe it is a least not as vague as text/style analysis or poetics, for example :D
errrrrr... I guess I have nothing wrong with my drive or is it a kind of slang? :dopey:
At the same time as i read Clive Barker`s "Midian" in english i started to read Sellinger`s "The Catcher In The Rye" in russian... It`s so boring... I`m dissapointed very much with both of this stuffs... :( Now i feel that i like russian classic literature more than other one...
Sellinger rules!!!! But you have to read it in English, otherwise it really must be looking very boring. The point of "The Catcher..." is in the WAY IT WAS WRITTEN!!:)) I enjoyed that book a lot!
Think you are right! I finished that book yesterday and imagine how it looks in english. The author`s style is rather hard translatable to russian. I`m sure it looks better in english.
Catcher in the Rye is amazing.. I have read that book at least 3 times now. "There are 2 books that all seriel killers need, the bible and catcher in the rye."
I guess it was the first book that I read beacause of the language. That is i enjoyed the language immensely!!! some point it may annoy nervous readers. The abundance of "and all...and something..." etc. that is.
Omin, definitely read the book in English. It is not very difficult.
Hahaha. Your loss if you cant read LOTR. While on the subject of the arts, anyone know of edvard munch? He painted the scream? Anyway facinating artwork. If you get a change look up some of his paintings. Very dark and sychotic.
uf...a little update. Have completely messed up my 'to read list' as my attention was diverted by Bridget Jones Diary and Bridget Jones The Edge of Reason...a complete degradation in comparison to the usual choice of books but i liked both of them anyway...heh...It's an easy and relaxing read where you dont have to think much. Quite humorous. :dopey:
DeathBlade said:
Another good novel to read for the way it was written is the great gatsby.

you are so right! the style is really very nice! on the other hand...i was SO disappointed by Tender is the Night....not only by the plot but by the style as well...since i really hoped that this book would resemble great gatsby style...alas...