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Im kind of lazy reader. I dont go to the library every week to check some new books. Usually when I feel like reading, I read some book that Ive read before and know its good or then pick some detective story by Agatha Christie.

I did this course in school where I had to pick 12 books from finnish author and 6 books from some foreign author from a list. There were books like The Name of the Rose and Crime and Punishment. I liked the Name of the Rose though occasionally it was quite boring to read because of the long descriptions. I havent seen the movie yet, maybe someday. I wont list the finnish books because well, most of you wont know them.

One of my fav authors is J.R.R. Tolkien. Ive read Lotr over 10 times and I still think its one of the best books Ive ever read. Also like his other books. Not so much into other fantasybooks. Ive read of course all the Harry Potters and 3rd and the last one are my favorites but I dont think they are that great.

Probably nobody else here but the finns (should) know Väinö Linna and his book Tuntematon Sotilas (The Unknown Soldier). I really like it, the humor and the characters. And also some history involved which I always like.

And yes: Ive also read books by Stephenie Meyer. Though Im probably gonna get some shit about this, I dont consider them so bad. But the maincharacters are very annoying, especially Bella and Edward. Well, Im not crazy about those books like my friends reading them once through is enough for me.