
I read alot of HP Lovecraft, in fact thats one of the only things i read. Lovecraft and things of the sort, i read alot of Crowley as well. Mostly short stories and ramblings of a psycho-horror kind. Right now i'm in the process of finally reading the shadow over innsmouth, which i had for some reason never gotten to, it's pretty awesome.
The Name of The Rose :lol: Umberto Eco, this book is simply amazing

I love The Name of The Rose too :) I also read JRR Tolkien, lot of Russian literature, Waltari books (Mikael Karvajalka, Sinuhe), Jane Austen, Emily and Charlote Brontë, Mark Twain, Karen Blixen, D.H. Lawrencen and so on.
you really try to impress people by mentioning authors whose books you havent even read?:lol:

What makes you think so? I've been reading it about week now. Of course, I don't have much energy and time, cus of uni work and BM-project and everything. You think I'm gonna write some fucking essay to here, just to impress some internet fags? You fail.

Also, that european-wannabe: you amuse me :lol:
What makes you think so? I've been reading it about week now. Of course, I don't have much energy and time, cus of uni work and BM-project and everything. You think I'm gonna write some fucking essay to here, just to impress some internet fags? You fail.

I'm not interest in an essay about what you're reading or your whining about how much energy the mean university professors and anything else steal from you, Sackgesicht, I just asked the title of the book :goggly:
Brutal Hate said:
poser, buthurt christian fag.. SATAN, fags, you fail.. err.. mainstream fags

..some words i don't know a fuck about to show how intellectual and smart i actually am.


you're so brutal:ill:

innnnnnb4: buthurt christian, fag, you suck alexi cock, poser, you fail, the usual.

you're starting to bore me, now post some buthurt block of text to insult me or whatever, i probably won't read it as you're just some average troll to me, you tell us you're 23, i wouldn't tell if i read any of your posts

have a nice day, i don't care
I love The Name of The Rose too :) I also read JRR Tolkien, lot of Russian literature, Waltari books (Mikael Karvajalka, Sinuhe), Jane Austen, Emily and Charlote Brontë, Mark Twain, Karen Blixen, D.H. Lawrencen and so on.

That's great !
I want to read Tolkien but I'm afraid i'll have to take notes, i've a pretty bad memory when it comes to read books like these. But i will challenging myself someday :lol:
Hitler :lol:

Why don't you go to Mcdonald's? That's enough intelligent for you "wannabe-europeans".

Wannabe Europeans?
Give me a fucking break.
Who'd would wanna be a closed minded, pompous, narcissistic poser like you?

Thats right, I said poser.
Black Metal fag.

fuck i'm having my period.
Wannabe Europeans?
Give me a fucking break.
Who'd would wanna be a closed minded, pompous, narcissistic poser like you?

Thats right, I said poser.
Black Metal fag.

fuck i'm having my period.

Well I rather live here than in some communist shithole. No offence.

There is a lot of wannabe-europeans.

You can never understand BM. Period.