
ONTOPIC: I don't find much time to read but when I do have time I enjoy Stephen King books.

Soon, Someone comes to name Stephani Meyer and a huge shitstorm erupts :lol:


i recently read The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov. it has constant puns on the Soviet Union. It's about the devil coming to Russia, but no one believes he actually is the devil. a woman is given the option to become a witch, she is lost in her relationship and can now change everything, so she accepts...
i also read 'Poor Wallonia', a book which is actually a follow-up on 'Through poor Flanders' which was written about a century ago when Wallonia had the important economic structures in their hands. Now, in a time that coal-factories are no longer successful and have been closed down, the power has shifted to the former poor side. it's a journalist that followed the language border in my country and visited the previously glorious cities that now are forsaken towns where unemployment is booming.
Nah, you're just pissed, cus you don't understand BM.

It's not about understanding. It's about what your ear likes. Different ears are used to different sounds, hence why some people hate say indian music and others love it. Learn to live with it. You talk about BM and "metulz"-lifestyle like it's some holy shit mysterious fucked up complicated that only the initiated understand. Is this really where all the neoplatonists (sp?) went? From butthurt we know it all you know nothing christians to butthurt we know all you know nothing trve metal people?

Seeing as you take classes in uni, how come you never learned about arguing? Because you miserably at it. I could elaborate. And I probably will if you answer this post all butthurt. The thing is though, that its quite late and I'm not trve enough to stay up all night.
Nah, you're just pissed, cus you don't understand BM.

No you've got it all wrong Brutal Hate.
See actaully, by being so hard to be trve, you're actually becoming untrve.
I you were really trve, you'd be like me cause I'm the trvest of them all.

TRVE NORWEGIAN BLACK METAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ONTOPIC: I don't find much time to read but when I do have time I enjoy Stephen King books.

Same... I think the last book of his I read was IT... Alot of people will argue he's not the greatest horror author, and he's probabley not, but he keeps my attention so :)
Just reading? What A FUCK? That's like the most poser ass comment I have ever heard. This just proves you are some christian.

And you suck bodom cock all the time. It's obvious.

I'm not an attention whore, so I don't post pics. I'm 23, handsome, I get more pussy than you could ever imagine.

it's what THE fuck

about time someone told you