Live From MDF 2011

What did Grant do on shrooms? I can't imagine taking them at a metal fest, I would probably rape animals and cut myself with razor blades.

He was fine during the afternoon. Very mellow, but impressionable. I basically suggested "let's do this or that" and he agreed without hesitation. Dan, Nick and I were about to go out to a pub and he went to sleep. We got back from the pub to the room to find him sitting there on the bed in front of us, in his underwear. We were a little freaked but understood since we knew he was tripping.

But then he started pissing on the floor in front of us and none of us knew how to react, either than to just let it happen. He then got rather hostile, yelling at us to get the fuck out of there. He attacked me a couple times, once with a chair. He ended up on the floor basically swearing at us so we decided to just leave since Dan assured us he wouldn't hurt himself.

When we got back he was pretty back to normal but told us he had pissed all over both beds.

And Grant, when you read this, no hard feelings since this is exactly what happened and you were the first one to admit you did this stuff. It's the shrooms' fault, not yours.
He was fine during the afternoon. Very mellow, but impressionable. I basically suggested "let's do this or that" and he agreed without hesitation. Dan, Nick and I were about to go out to a pub and he went to sleep. We got back from the pub to the room to find him sitting there on the bed in front of us, in his underwear. We were a little freaked but understood since we knew he was tripping.

But then he started pissing on the floor in front of us and none of us knew how to react, either than to just let it happen. He then got rather hostile, yelling at us to get the fuck out of there. He attacked me a couple times, once with a chair. He ended up on the floor basically swearing at us so we decided to just leave since Dan assured us he wouldn't hurt himself.

When we got back he was pretty back to normal but told us he had pissed all over both beds.

Pissing and shrooms go hand in hand. I totally peed my pants during The Great AmsterTrip of Christmas 2008.

That's a pretty wild tale!
Yeah, Mort, you seemed to have done pretty well on them. You were just mellow it seemed.

That was because I completely collapsed into my mind. I was freaking out pretty well the entire time. After thinking about it a bit, the best way to describe what was going on was I was feeling all the negative aspects of me being sucked into a black hole. That felt kinda neat at first during Orange Goblin, but after a while I started freaking out as I was realizing that the negatives are simply the opposite side from the positives of the coin that is myself, and to remove that side is to remove the whole.

So after we went to Subway I forced myself to try and eat as much as I could, but eventually it was just too much for me to even do that. So I went back to the upstairs room and tried to sleep, but that was an awful idea because once I closed my eyes I was getting horrific visual manifestations of that feeling described above.

I was convulsing on the bed the entire time, squirming, completely uncontrolably and just wishing for it to end. Time seemed to slow to an almost non-existent crawl. I remember Guy coming into the bedroom and me cracking him across the nose and not being sure if it was an actual person or me imagining them.

The vomit incident happened then eventually I locked myself in the bathroom until I felt myself calming down - and even when I had calmed down the faces on my Carnage shirt started talking and freaked me the fuck out even more - but then people showed back up and I felt alright once more.
God damn, either you guys took too much, got a bad batch, or have some really fucked up, suppressed shit in your head to cause such bad trips like that.

The first time I ever took shrooms I got a sick feeling in my stomach for the first 30-45 minutes but after that I was tripping balls.
That sounds terrifying. I will trip again in the future but I really hope it doesn't go down like that. I didn't feel nauseous at any point and aside from the peeing/seeing my fingers turn into flesh eating parasites it was all "Alice in Wonderland" with a lot of giggling.
Yeah doing shrooms with people you don't know so well is not the best idea. My friends and I have a couple of rules when it comes to shrooms, one - you have to have at least 3 people in the room, and two - one of those three has to be sober or just drinking/smoking some pot moderately. I usually just drink and take care of whoever is freaking out.

Sounds like you guys made it out alive tho so :cool:
Cody said that he had an amazing trip when listening to Orange Goblin. I'm kind of glad I wasn't with them when they were taking shrooms, because I know that I probably would have joined in, and I get really fucked up thoughts even when I'm just baked, plus I wouldn't have seen Ghost who I enjoyed seeing.

Which brings me to one of my favorite MDF moments, when Cody was talking about his trip at like 3 in the morning about how deep and spiritual it was and then Chris said something along the lines of "That seems pretty gay" and then walked into the bathroom.
Cody said that he had an amazing trip when listening to Orange Goblin. I'm kind of glad I wasn't with them when they were taking shrooms, because I know that I probably would have joined in, and I get really fucked up thoughts even when I'm just baked, plus I wouldn't have seen Ghost who I enjoyed seeing.

Which brings me to one of my favorite MDF moments, when Cody was talking about his trip at like 3 in the morning about how deep and spiritual it was and then Chris said something along the lines of "That seems pretty gay" and then walked into the bathroom.

"During Orange Goblin it was, like... I was seeing through a warp tunnel and I became pure love, man. I was just pure love."
"Shit sounds gay."


I totally forgot about that. So good.
Despite our seemingly clashing personalities I can see myself getting on really well with Cythraul in a situation like that. :lol:
Speaking of Cody, what a nice dude. It was a pleasure meeting him.

Jordan is officially my uber-bro. That's bro upgraded to superior bro status.

I caught something either at the fest or on the plane ride because I've been a bit sick since I got back.

Anyway, my little MDF haul...

Kult Ofenzivy - Symfonie Oceli
!T.O.O.H.! - Pod Vladou Bice
Dead Congregation - Graves of the Archangels
Sadus - Swallowed in Black
Demoncy - Joined in Darkness
Skepticism - Alloy
Shub Niggurath - The Kinglike Celebration (Final Aeon on Earth)
Olorin - demo (featuring Yoda and V5 from GMD, 100 hand-numbered copies)

Dead Congregation

One can of wild alaskan pink salmon
One pair of fresh new underwear
Holy fuck, those shrooms stories are all fucking amazing. :lol: Now I definitely can't wait to meet you guys. And that's a sick haul Cyth, well fucking done.
Anyway, my little MDF haul...

Kult Ofenzivy - Symfonie Oceli
!T.O.O.H.! - Pod Vladou Bice
Dead Congregation - Graves of the Archangels
Sadus - Swallowed in Black
Demoncy - Joined in Darkness
Skepticism - Alloy
Shub Niggurath - The Kinglike Celebration (Final Aeon on Earth)
Olorin - demo (featuring Yoda and V5 from GMD, 100 hand-numbered copies)

Dead Congregation

Your haul rules bro. I'm surprised there was no Turk around to steal it. But no really, that haul rules.
I have also been a bit under the weather, started having a sore throat on the car ride back, & now have a cold. I think it was all the second hand smoke more than anything. It was worth it though.
My brutal haul

Ezophagothomia - Instinct of Inhuman Devourment
Putridity - Degenerating Anthropophagical Euphoria
Gastrorrexis - Grotesque Human Disfigurement
Cease of Breeding - Sounds of Disembowelment
Wormed T-Shirt
Zuul-Out of Time
Dead Congregation-Graves of the Archangels
Satan-Live in the Act

Hallows Even Tales of Terror tshirt
Running Wild tshirt