Live room treatment


Aug 18, 2008
In a Shitty Country (Venezuela)
Hey guys i have a little question here.. Right now we (my band) are rehearsing on our drummers house, but we are having some small problems with neighbors when we are trying to rehearse late at night.. so we want to isolate our rehearsing room.. we know we have to buy some gypsum, but there are a lot of types of gypsum, like depth (in inches we have found 4" and 6") and colors (Grey being the tougher, blue medium one and white really soft), so my question is what type of gypsum should we buy ?? And any other tips on isolating the room will be highly appreciated.. thanks in advance !
thanks dude but we have the room already.. we dont want to destroy it and then build it up again.. we are just trying to isolate the sound, not make it perfect for recording or something like that, but thanks again !
So, is your room furnished, carpeted, concrete floor? There's a lot of things to be taken into account! The most basic method is to hang carpets from the ceiling along the walls and do something to the door. New layer of gypsum (plaster stone) won't help here. Google for soundproofing - there's an abundance of info on the Net.