Live stream from Graspop Metal Meeting 2009?

Damn, that sucks. Well if Steve wants to record the audio in the highest bitrate possible, I can host the link without worrying about bandwidth or anything.
Damn I'm pissed ... as Janne was during the show!

I was ready at 09:45 pm and started recording at 09:50 pm while Chickenfoot were being interviewed. Bodom started playing Needled 24/7 then Bodom Beach Terror. Audio and video went well, until that "Not enough room left on C:" message popped up. I couldn't believe my eyes because I remembered having chosen D: as temporary folder. But I don't know why it changed so I got fucked and had to stop recording the video to change the temporary folder to D: in which I had something like 5 Gb left. I tried to at least save the video file but it didn't work. Audio kept on recording without problem.

So I re-started recording after having lost a few seconds of the show. Then Janne started having issues with his keyboard. No more sound. K-man came on stage to help him and it was fixed after a few minutes.

I won't tell more about the show for now. When it was finished, I clicked on stop and had to choose a name for the video file. CamStudio didn't allow me to save the video. I tried many times then I thought maybe it was because of the single Gb left on the hard drive (the video recorded took 4 Gb). So I started moving a lot of files on my USB pen drives then stored them on my sister's computer etc. A lot of time wasted. It didn't want to save the video file.

So now I'm sweating like a pig after having run up- and downstairs quite a few times trying to save the video and finally brought my computer back in my bedroom.

TL;DR : Video got fucked, audio is perfect.

I'll upload the audio tomorrow. I'm planning to upload 2 files : the whole show and a .RAR file with all the songs cut separately.

I'm sorry, really. Let's hope Belgacom will allow their clients (if not everyone) to download the show once the festival is completely finished.
Upload complete!

01. Intro
02. Needled 24/7
03. Bodom Beach Terror
04. Hate Me!
05. Living Dead Beat
06. In Your Face
07. Blooddrunk
08. Children Of Decadence
09. Bed Of Razors
10. Hellhounds On My Trail
11. Angels Don't Kill
12. The Final Countdown
13. Downfall
14. Outro

Recorded by Steve P. also known as GuitariSteve on and
Thanks to the Belgian ISP Belgacom for broadcasting Graspop 2009 on Internet.

You can hear a "pop" at 3:19 in "In Your Face" and at 0:24 and 0:45 in "Bodom Beach Terror". That's when the "Not enough room left on C:" message popped up.
An error message popped up at 0:56 and 1:06 in "Bodom Beach Terror" because I was trying to save the video but I finally let it down.

Gorth666 : You can quote this in your first post of this topic and edit the title of the topic so people know that there is something to download.
Thanks a lot for taking the time man! Really apreciated! Let's hope indeed that they allow us to watch the vid too, it'd be pretty cool. Did they have multicam or just one at the back like the other show you said?
Thanks very much Steve! Downloading now.
And lol, The Final Countdown? :lol:
At that stream I can watch some parts of the concerts, but not completely.
Kataklysm for example lasts only 14 minutes. (COB isn't on there yet. Probably takes a day)

So I guess you can't review the entire concert then?
I don't know, Journey is 70 minutes long! They played 70 minutes. Let's see what happens with COB!

By the way, it's some kind of flash player called JW Player but I can't download the video with Download Helper, neither when using those websites that can usually rip videos from websites. :(