Live stream from Graspop Metal Meeting 2009?

You could try a firefox extension called tamper data. on some streams it works on youtube it doesn't. it's rather complicated if you arent that much into computer stuff.
DUDE !!!

havent you Read my inbox from monts ago :D

i really want that dvd copy from you :D

yeah i did. i was struggling with other things. now, the problem is that the IDE controller on my motherboard is crushed and i can't connect the dvd drives. maybe I can fix it in the next month or you'll have to wait till I buy me a notebook.
what a hell is wrong with Janne? Is He frustrated with that keyboard or what? Like Living dead beats solo is pretty confusing..
Show was awesome, front row! Lot's of stagedivers, but i had great time.

I recorded intro + needled 24/7 + bodom beach terror. It's very good quality, ill try to upload it tomorrow or something.
Thanks a lot Steve!

Haha Janne must have been pretty annoyed, seeing that he played the solo in LDB that way.
The performance went ok overall though.
Show was awesome, front row! Lot's of stagedivers, but i had great time.

I recorded intro + needled 24/7 + bodom beach terror. It's very good quality, ill try to upload it tomorrow or something.

Nice! Good to hear you had a nice time. BTW, is it me or Roope was extremely tight the whole show? Also, how does it sound now that he's with Engl, any difference?
We're all, quite rightly, grateful to GuitariSteve for the recording, but I think thanks should also go to COB for agreeing to have their show broadcast :kickass:

Second this.

And Best Version of LDB ever! :lol:

Man, they certainly didn't play anywhere near their usual level.

Still a funny show to have though.
Well, I too think it wasn't their best show, but also depends on songs. E.g. Bodom Beach Terror, Hellhounds On My Trail, Bed Of Razors... were actually pretty good imho. Then songs like Needled 24/7 or Living Dead Beat were kind of a mess.