Live Videos Thread

I think the whole show is recorded ,I gotta find it !

Found some on YouTube:


But these 2 Videos you can also find on the RRF CD/DVD.

Anyone knows if COB played in this Video also in Standard D?

and a very very rare one:
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^Those were the golden days. This is the legendary Wild Child and Children Of Bodom at its peak. I'd love a properly recorded gig from 2001 in DVD quality.

Here's also Bodom After Midnight starting 4:40


After the interview I think comes Mask Of Sanity

And here's Mask Of Sanity from Chile 2001

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mystic was only 3 songs though...lake bodom, bodom after midnight and mask of sanity...would have been awesome if it was a whole concert. alexi really goes all out back in the day, now he is almost stationary barely headbanging as crazy

another find of an old sinergy concert. not many views don't know if any of you guys have seen it yet, there are also more songs: violated, gallowmere, and passage to the fourth world
Alexi with the Deftones, last night in Helsinki

Soundcheck, Alexi and Chino (thanks to K-Man :) )


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Is it just me or does Alexi's guitar sound poorly setup in the wacken videos? It makes that sound where the action is way too low and its like a metal clinky noise during the palm mutes. It's so loud during FTR.
mystic was only 3 songs though...lake bodom, bodom after midnight and mask of sanity...would have been awesome if it was a whole concert. alexi really goes all out back in the day, now he is almost stationary barely headbanging as crazy

Only three? I though it had more. I have the actual dvd, but it's pretty long time since I watched it so I'm probably wrong.
^There was 4 on the dvd, but whole concert was longer. From what I know they've played also Hate Me!, Everytime I Die and SNBN.

And band not allowed for relase, 'cuz they didin't play on their own instruments or something, but record label released the dvd anyway.
Laiho's vocals in the past were brilliant... that's why their attempt at Kissing the Shadows etc these days saddens me, I've accepted there can't be a return because of the vocals. I wonder if a metal growl therapist could do something?

^ I don't think that it's because of the vocals that they're not playing KtS anymore (or at least not as much as before). Musically, this song is quite hard for lead guitar and keys. Last time I saw that song live, it was quite disapointing to say the least and, for me, the disapointment didn't come from the change in the vocals. If they could at least nail all the notes, it would be a nice improvement. But then again, they probably focus more on the newer albums when they rehearse so that's probably one of the main reasons.
This is probably one of the best COB live-videos ever recorded. Saw it by accident. Lake Bodom & Touch Like Angel of Death in very good quality. Hamburg 21/9/1998
