They really need to swallow their pride of new material and slam some old megahits in the set if they wanna stay hot. I don't know any numbers (how much they pull to gigs), but I feel songs like Hellhounds, LDB, Knuckleduster, Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood and 20 others would draw enthusiasm on a whole different level. Respect your art and don't let it water down and end up playing acoustic gigs in clubs with a dozen attendants (like many bands ended up) just cos you insist on trying to make new stuff appeal. And if you must, at least choose the songs with taste. Sometimes they make setlists exciting, but then they drop the ball again. And having red lights for Follow the Reaper is just unfathomable, mindboggling. They have the materials at their disposal to do epic gigs, but it's these bad decisions (both big and small ones) that ruin the dark atmosphere. Also deciding the order of songs is an art itself, you sure as hell can't let anyone do it, as not many people have the sensitivity and depth required to think thru such things. I wasn't gonna bother, but when I saw the red lights for FTR and the guy fiddling his smartphone during This Road it just blew my patience.