Live Videos Thread

Area 53 Festival Setlist ( added Follow the Reaper! and the list is longer)


And... Alexi is back in camouflage pants. :p

I really hope they start to play other songs from Hexed soon. I'd really want to see them play Kick In a Spleen and Hexed live. They just seem to have a bad habit of playing only the new singles whenever they release a new album.
Follow the Reaper - Masters of Rock 14.07.2019

Downfall - Masters of Rock 14.07.2019

This Road - Qstock 26.7.2019

They really need to swallow their pride of new material and slam some old megahits in the set if they wanna stay hot. I don't know any numbers (how much they pull to gigs), but I feel songs like Hellhounds, LDB, Knuckleduster, Lil' Bloodred Ridin' Hood and 20 others would draw enthusiasm on a whole different level. Respect your art and don't let it water down and end up playing acoustic gigs in clubs with a dozen attendants (like many bands ended up) just cos you insist on trying to make new stuff appeal. And if you must, at least choose the songs with taste. Sometimes they make setlists exciting, but then they drop the ball again. And having red lights for Follow the Reaper is just unfathomable, mindboggling. They have the materials at their disposal to do epic gigs, but it's these bad decisions (both big and small ones) that ruin the dark atmosphere. Also deciding the order of songs is an art itself, you sure as hell can't let anyone do it, as not many people have the sensitivity and depth required to think thru such things. I wasn't gonna bother, but when I saw the red lights for FTR and the guy fiddling his smartphone during This Road it just blew my patience.
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Follow the Reaper - Masters of Rock 14.07.2019

Downfall - Masters of Rock 14.07.2019

This Road - Qstock 26.7.2019

Woah! I'm really surprised about the amount of effort Alexi is putting into his solos now! That's insane progress!

I'm also surprised about the hate crew's reaction towards This Road. Like, at that tempo, the song is way more difficult because of string skipping... Maybe they should slow it down a tad bit, but it was still well done.
As much as I like Roope getting Daniel has tightened their live stuff up a lot. Also Alexi cutting down on the booze, getting his shoulder fixed and wearing his guitar a bit higher has improved his playing- you can tell he's been practising after the surgery. Sound good! Even though his vocals have improved too it would be cool if Daniel did more backup stuff (One thing I really miss was Alexander's) and used a little bit of reverb/delay on them like he did in 2001:
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I still would’ve attended to hear Hatebreeder, Hecate’s (and Living) live, but otherwise it’s not a setlist spicy for a longtime fan, maybe good for newbies, still they gotta scrap This Road and Under very soon, they’re just not Bodom level songs, in fact This Road isn’t even a song but a collection of riffs like the RRF tracks. I don’t understand why they missed the obvious opportunity to play Knuckleduster.
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Everytime I Die

Downfall ( with Nightwish - Elvenpath )


Follow the Reaper (oct. 03)

Bodom Beach Terror (oct. 03)
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