Lizard's wish is my command.


May 31, 2002
Arlington, Virginia
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lizard said:
We need puppy pics!!!:yell: :yell: :yell: :yell:

and......Rick's wish is my command :D

here he is ! SHRIKE!
a 3 months old puppy, sooo cute and SO smart!
(dont believe me? ask Lynn!
he saw it! after one day he already got the command "sit" and "stay"! one day!)


oh and derick and cara fell asleep and thats why they didnt show up!
awe! :(


sleepy :D

lizard said:
what a cute dog!

thx k, and look at that variety of beer at the bar. man that makes me thirsty and it's only 946 in the morning :lol:

yeah, this place has more than 200 kinds of beers, and great food too!

btw.. 9:46am means that its almost 4pm in Europe, so thats ok.
you can drink :D
what a nice cat......errr, dog

nice name too....

But were you forced to make the stuffed animals molest him in his sleep?
Think, he might be having nightmares on his first night!
awwwwwwwwwwwwwww! yeah !! nice dog!!!

:( :( i fell asleep :( i was sooo incredibly poopy last night, i got home from work, and heard you had to go to the vet and would call back at 6 or so, so i decided to take a nap , and next thing i know i was completely out...

and what made me even poopier was that i was too poopy to do anything other than nap

(lots of poop)
DreamNeonBlack said:
If she didn't know this already, Lioness is one hot girlie!
no i dont think she did, becuase its not like every single person says that every time she ever posts a picture ever.