Enjoy FatherVic's Happy Birthday thread.


Little Grasshopper
Nov 16, 2001
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In 1960, I was wandering Athens in quest of what the old monks in Finland called "knowledge". When speaking my fluent greek with a beautiful native girl, the lights went off (or someone disconnected the sun) and an enormous shadow fell upon me. It was Zeus' shadow (I was in Athens, what did you expect?), and he told me: "if you're looking for answers, go and wish FatherVic a nice birthday day". I did not understand such odd revelation, but when the summon God speaks, I do listen. Sooo... happy birthday my old friend, hope your new life is going alright and you have a greeeeeat day. Salute that troll by my side, and kiss her by my side, and... well, have fun. :D

|ngenius (I did obey, Zeus!) o_O

P.S: I am very sorry for the stupid anecdote that led us to this birthday thread, but I needed an excuse, and my braincells are in a strike. :yell:
fuck i wrote a reply for this!
and it vanished...

anyway, all the best for your birthday, fv :)
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Papi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:

May you have a very happy day, and a very happy year, and a very happy rest of your life!!!! :D
You have my deepest wishes for all your dreams to come true, and to always be as happy as possible, even more than now!!! :)
Kai na eisai panta eutyxismenos me tin agapi sou, kai na tin exeis panta stin agkalia sou kai ola na sas pane kala!!! :) :) :)

Siren (
first the german smilies, then the envy about my accent, and now, as we can see, the use of standard german phrases! i can begin to see the end of all this, poor ormir :D die deutsche staatsbürgerschaft!
VultureCulture said:
first the german smilies, then the envy about my accent, and now, as we can see, the use of standard german phrases! i can begin to see the end of all this, poor ormir :D die deutsche staatsbürgerschaft!
Ich bin ein Berliner. //:=|
(I want to be in Germany :cry: )
Feliz cumpleaños, mi querido Rulo, me comeré una caja de miguelitos a tu salud :d

Dani: que introducción tan espantosa, deja las drogas en paz.
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Happy Birthday!
What an interesting way to wish someone a happy birthday. Mine's gonna be the boring old conventional CAPSWHORE way.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, FATHERVIC! May you live to a ripe old age and have many good ones! :)

Cumplaños feliz, cumpleaños feliz,todos te deseamos,cumpleaños feliz...

Te quiero,cariño.....

/melancholia (i wanted to be the one making this thread but the robot was faster than me :cry: )
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Happy Birthday FatherVic!! :D :D
And many happy returns :D
Ooh.. I havent got any birthdaysmilies.. So:
:hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:
(Hope that'll do :D ;))
Wooohaaa have a great time

/Val (Second page..! :p)

(Woohaa lots of birthdays lately.. August? What's with August?)