Enjoy FatherVic's Happy Birthday thread.

well, let's try not to forget anybody!

Trollaki: no te preocupes, ayer fuiste la primera en felicitarte...
I'm just the little moon that spins around you...

Ingenius: Well and the strengh of the lightning has proved, our old friend Zeus never mistakes...the only problem is that you came to me much earlier, and I still haven't found that knowledge...I'm still trying but it seems that the prophecy will take some time to fulfill :p thank you very much for everything oh mighty mariquilla and let's hope the old Futurama knowledge finally comes to me in the shape of DVD's :grin"

witch: thank you, nice avatar :)

VultureCulture: Ah! well don't worry, the above mentioned Zeus, sent me the post you previously made :) thankies...even though the answer to the question is no, and the color is purple... :loco:

Ormir: Efficiency....argh!!!! been making efficiency reports on production series for so long that now I see that something related to me is going "efficiently" i just mess it up a bit by mysel!

little mermaid:
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
Let's just hope that the nightmares doesn't come true...it would be sort of...dissapointing :p Oj, kai na prospatho na exo ola auta ma thelo perisotera agkalia apo tin agapoula mou :) (there's never enough)

Rei: Ooooooh!!!! those smileys are sooooooo sweeeeeet, thanks a looooooooot :)

Mousie: Thankies...i just hope you finally listen a bit of the band itself one day ;)

Jacinto: aaaargh!!! Yo tambien quiero Miguelitos!!!!! Y Pelon Pelorico, y Quick de vainilla y de fresa...arghh...meeeeeeeexico liiiiiiiindo y queriiiiiiiidooooooo si mueeeeero leeeeeeejos de tiiiiiii....

arch: thankies :)

qsilver: thankies to you, too my friend.

rahvin: You can't imagine HOW INCONVINIENT is to find a job the day before you birthday, and I really mean it...I rather be at home with the troll than being working as a birthday present :cry:

miolo: i'll try to make the best of it, but I doubt this day will bring much joy. it's so sad having to work all day when the one you love is at home... *sniff*

hedon: well it took me hours to put my joy in those bottles and horrible

arm ache :rolleyes: ;) thanx man :)

AlienMan: thank you my total unknown alienman :p

Nick: thankies man, though i think you're probably the only one from the oldies that hasn't got to know that now I'm living in Greece

wazoo: thankies...hehehe let's hope i don't loose my sanity in my new job :P

fathervic (hoping this day will go better, it can't go worse))
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oh my...well...I for sure DID write a thanx to you caelestia...I wrote the whole thing in a .txt in order to write without loosing the mail afterwards...i actually made a little joke about this CAPSWHORE word...but i suppose it got fucked up when I copied into the UM, because I don't understand this greek PC....
I'm very sorry....THANK YOU A LOT CAE

oh, and thanx D_J...about the auction figure of yours...I bought five on ebay...but they didn't have vodka in them :cry:
No vodka? They weren't legit, you got burned my friend...give me the names of the people you bought them off, and I will extract swift and bloody revenge :grin:
Or a sharp telling off anyway
d_j: i bought the five figures from this rahvin guy... :p

caelestia: no party...the day started in the worse way, and I don't think it'll get much better :cry:
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happy birthday! ;)
DJ used to have a GameCube at home...now I'm spending my days with no device of electric fun...I prefer natural solutions...like reading, you dirty mind!

thanks a lot opacity and hilj
oh, and Tebus, and awesome thanks to you...in a good way, that is.

:lol: |ngenius just made the funniest mistake ever on this thread. i hope noone was quick enough to see it. thanks god i was at the computer with the finger on the edit button. :lol:

(sorry |ng, i just had to mention this...)
