well, let's try not to forget anybody!
Trollaki: no te preocupes, ayer fuiste la primera en felicitarte...
I'm just the little moon that spins around you...
Ingenius: Well and the strengh of the lightning has proved, our old friend Zeus never mistakes...the only problem is that you came to me much earlier, and I still haven't found that knowledge...I'm still trying but it seems that the prophecy will take some time to fulfill
thank you very much for everything oh mighty mariquilla and let's hope the old Futurama knowledge finally comes to me in the shape of DVD's :grin"
witch: thank you, nice avatar
VultureCulture: Ah! well don't worry, the above mentioned Zeus, sent me the post you previously made
thankies...even though the answer to the question is no, and the color is purple... 
Ormir: Efficiency....argh!!!! been making efficiency reports on production series for so long that now I see that something related to me is going "efficiently" i just mess it up a bit by mysel!
little mermaid:
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
Let's just hope that the nightmares doesn't come true...it would be sort of...dissapointing
Oj, kai na prospatho na exo ola auta ma thelo perisotera agkalia apo tin agapoula mou
(there's never enough)
Rei: Ooooooh!!!! those smileys are sooooooo sweeeeeet, thanks a looooooooot
Mousie: Thankies...i just hope you finally listen a bit of the band itself one day
Jacinto: aaaargh!!! Yo tambien quiero Miguelitos!!!!! Y Pelon Pelorico, y Quick de vainilla y de fresa...arghh...meeeeeeeexico liiiiiiiindo y queriiiiiiiidooooooo si mueeeeero leeeeeeejos de tiiiiiii....
arch: thankies
qsilver: thankies to you, too my friend.
rahvin: You can't imagine HOW INCONVINIENT is to find a job the day before you birthday, and I really mean it...I rather be at home with the troll than being working as a birthday present
miolo: i'll try to make the best of it, but I doubt this day will bring much joy. it's so sad having to work all day when the one you love is at home... *sniff*
hedon: well it took me hours to put my joy in those bottles and horrible
arm ache
thanx man 
AlienMan: thank you my total unknown alienman
Nick: thankies man, though i think you're probably the only one from the oldies that hasn't got to know that now I'm living in Greece
wazoo: thankies...hehehe let's hope i don't loose my sanity in my new job
fathervic (hoping this day will go better, it can't go worse))
Trollaki: no te preocupes, ayer fuiste la primera en felicitarte...
I'm just the little moon that spins around you...
Ingenius: Well and the strengh of the lightning has proved, our old friend Zeus never mistakes...the only problem is that you came to me much earlier, and I still haven't found that knowledge...I'm still trying but it seems that the prophecy will take some time to fulfill

witch: thank you, nice avatar

VultureCulture: Ah! well don't worry, the above mentioned Zeus, sent me the post you previously made

Ormir: Efficiency....argh!!!! been making efficiency reports on production series for so long that now I see that something related to me is going "efficiently" i just mess it up a bit by mysel!
little mermaid:
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
Let's just hope that the nightmares doesn't come true...it would be sort of...dissapointing

Rei: Ooooooh!!!! those smileys are sooooooo sweeeeeet, thanks a looooooooot

Mousie: Thankies...i just hope you finally listen a bit of the band itself one day

Jacinto: aaaargh!!! Yo tambien quiero Miguelitos!!!!! Y Pelon Pelorico, y Quick de vainilla y de fresa...arghh...meeeeeeeexico liiiiiiiindo y queriiiiiiiidooooooo si mueeeeero leeeeeeejos de tiiiiiii....
arch: thankies

qsilver: thankies to you, too my friend.
rahvin: You can't imagine HOW INCONVINIENT is to find a job the day before you birthday, and I really mean it...I rather be at home with the troll than being working as a birthday present

miolo: i'll try to make the best of it, but I doubt this day will bring much joy. it's so sad having to work all day when the one you love is at home... *sniff*
hedon: well it took me hours to put my joy in those bottles and horrible
arm ache

AlienMan: thank you my total unknown alienman

Nick: thankies man, though i think you're probably the only one from the oldies that hasn't got to know that now I'm living in Greece
wazoo: thankies...hehehe let's hope i don't loose my sanity in my new job

fathervic (hoping this day will go better, it can't go worse))