LMFAO I love my job...


OneMetal.com Music Editor
LOL - a sample pack of the biggest muthafugging diapers I have ever seen in my life just came in to the office, and the office peeps are wrapping them around their waists and running around in giant incontinence pants! Apparently, they hold up to 3 litres of piss - 3 LITRES, PEOPLE!

EDIT : The office manager was just wearing them, then one of the warehouse people came through the office - he's never gonna hear the end of it now!
One Inch Man said:
I want to have a beer drinking contest complete with one of these giant diapers.

hahah ... they did that on the Howard Stern show once ... but with drinking water.

Bababooey lost ... he went in the diaper first :tickled:

Hey what's this I hear about Stern getting 3 channels on Sirius, one to be run by a retard or something? I haven't watched/listened to him for years so I don't even know what's what anymore.
he's moving to Sirius in January ... i think he has like 3-6 channels that he will manage there ... his own programming and all.
Stern's turned to total crap. He used to be somewhat entertaining. Now all it is, is him talking to strippers and pornstars 24/7 about their sexual exploitations. Or he's bitching about the FCC.


Listen to Conway and Steckler at 8pm. You'll enjoy them.
When he gets his new station, he should improve, but his audience will dwindle down to nothing and so famous guests would disappear altogether.

He used to be funny when he got really famous people in, but you're right, now it's just retards and strippers between 15 minute runs of radio commercials, and everyday is the same ol' same ol'.