"My job is to communicate to the American people.....

And not to get into the whole thing, you're right in term of how the media portrays Islam, I agree with you there.

However, if you live in a muslim area, then I have a few questions... How is it when you walk outside? With your long hair. Do the children call you names from the street? Scream out faggot and call you a girl? Do you have a dog? If so the kids throw stones at your dog because they're taught they are unclean? Do you know a little girl down the road? Have you ever seen her one day and then next day you see all her she is bruised because her dad beats her for not being a 'proper muslim girl' even though she was just trying to be a normal girl her age? Do you have other non-muslim neighbours in the community? Do the teens and fathers get together and vandalize their homes, break their car windows and destroy their gardens?

Because that's how it is in all the big Muslim communities here, I lived in one in Toronto for 6 months. I am a scary dude, and these kids will still come up to you and talk shit, I've gotten into fist fights over some fucktard calling my girlfriend a whore because I'm white (Not to pull a John here). It's just stupidity. That shit stopped when I moved in with my g/f but before then they were really giving her family a hard time because her mom is white.

Dude, I'm not blaming the religion for all of this, because it stems from ignorance. Anyone who follows any religion blindly is ignorant, and ca use religion as an excuse to do a lot of horrible things. And you're right, Christian WAS a million times worse. But they modernized. The Islamic countries in the middle east in some places are so far behind the times culturally it's almost barbaric. But my point is not about honour killings and jihad, it's that even in a modern society, when each religion can have their own 'ghettos', why is it that the Jew and Christian ones you can move freely through but a Muslim one you're subjected to all kinds of harassment. It's just ignorance man, but that specific religion, put in the hands of an ignorant person, can do more damage than an ignorant person who follows Judaism or Christianity, because fanaticism aside, there's still small injustices that are encouraged from the Quaran that perhaps may be in the Bible or Torah but are ignored.

Best thing is, Women are equal in the other two (nowadays).

EDIT: I am not saying that ALL muslims are bad, not at all. I have a lot of moderate muslims friends and they are awesome. Moderate muslims = awesome. Very religious (not fanatical, just religious) muslims, especially in groups, are fucking scum.
However, if you live in a muslim area, then I have a few questions... How is it when you walk outside? With your long hair. Do the children call you names from the street? Scream out faggot and call you a girl? Do you have a dog? If so the kids throw stones at your dog because they're taught they are unclean? Do you know a little girl down the road? Have you ever seen her one day and then next day you see all her she is bruised because her dad beats her for not being a 'proper muslim girl' even though she was just trying to be a normal girl her age? Do you have other non-muslim neighbours in the community? Do the teens and fathers get together and vandalize their homes, break their car windows and destroy their gardens?

no, no no no no no no and no

Besides the domestic abuse thing which is hardly exclusive, but that doesnt happen to kids because the legal repercussion doesn't skip anyone depending on religion.

Because that's how it is in all the big Muslim communities here, I lived in one in Toronto for 6 months. I am a scary dude, and these kids will still come up to you and talk shit, I've gotten into fist fights over some fucktard calling my girlfriend a whore because I'm white (Not to pull a John here). It's just stupidity. That shit stopped when I moved in with my g/f but before then they were really giving her family a hard time because her mom is white.

That's how it is in all of them or that's how it is in one of them? ;)
And sure, while it could happen more sometimes, racism isn't exclusive to those areas either.

That, and I think the fact that her dad married/had a kid with a white woman to begin with would be at least a piece of what would prove that not everyone in that community thought the same way.

And kids don't know shit anyways.

no, no no no no no no and no

Besides the domestic abuse thing which is hardly exclusive, but that doesnt happen to kids because the legal repercussion doesn't skip anyone depending on religion.

I knew you were gonna say this, but actually the muslims here won't call the police and even if they do, sometimes they get the option of going to a special court designed for them. It's not a real court, it's a place where they determine the punishment based on their crime as it would be dealt with as per their religion. Often they get community service, told to pray more, etc...

I mean as long as no one was seriously hurt or there isn't a pattern of reported violence, but the thing is, these people already abuse their wives and kids and by the times the cops get involved, and they walk away with one of these judgements, they just beat them more so they never report it again.

But again, this isn't a typical thing and doesn't represent every Muslim.

That, and I think the fact that her dad married/had a kid with a white woman to begin with would be at least a piece of what would prove that not everyone in that community thought the same way.

No, they moved in there after, from NYC. Also, her dad was an abusive piece of shit who abandoned them and started a new family with a Muslim woman because no one in his my pals community would talk to him.
Well, this is my last point here. I don't hate people for being muslim, black, etc... I don't judge anything off of that. However if they happen to be shitty people, then I will hate them, because anyone, white or not has the potential to be any way. If they happen to fit a certain stereotype, then I will lump that individual in with that. Unfortunately in my life's experience, most blacks and muslims and jews and chinese and etc meet a lot of god awful stereotypes. So many, that I can only naturally assume most of the race is like that in my immediate environment.

I don't care how nice the sandniggers are in Sweden, or how crazy they are in Iraq, I only despise how ignorant the muzzies are here, and in turn how ignrant they make me because of their behaviour :lol: /vicious cycle
you guys should have thought about this when you made the country free for every religion and race! good luck undoing the constitution!

What does the constitution have anything to do with this? The fact is here all of the assembled religons but a certain one, can tolerate each other and go about their buisness.
He doesn't get it :lol: He's either trolling or is simply one of those super liberal dicks... I bet he is part of this group...

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heh... Islam is a major issue in Europe.. shit, it's a major issue all over the world...
I didn't read most of the posts, and I will probably read them later or tomorrow when I'll have more time to get into it... hmmmm
No not yet, why Joe you wanna hire me?

No, I just was asking because you said you were going to because of what happened and then when you said were gonna read the whole thread I thought you might have and therefore had the time to do such a thing but I forgot it was a holiday.

It's a holiday.

President's Day in the USA, Family Day here... I know it's a holiday I just forgot, I get time and a half though which isn't too shabby.

Tomorrow I will be making roughly 24 bucks an hour and I work an 11hr shift, yay.
What does the constitution have anything to do with this? The fact is here all of the assembled religons but a certain one, can tolerate each other and go about their buisness.

Fo' sho. Freedom of anything in our constitution stops at the nose of the other person. Your right to do whatever it is your doing automatically ceases when you tread on the rights of others around you.

That's the beauty of it and that's what most people don't understand about "freedom of X".