"My job is to communicate to the American people.....

I see what you're saying Karmic, and the biggest flaw in your argument is the notion you seem to hold that somehow modern-day Christianity has equally psychotic and barbaric preachings and practices as Islam, and that there is some sort of militant wing of Christianity when there isn't. Of course there are idiots out there, but nothing to the extremity and degree of fundamentalist Muslims.

The fact is, there IS a fundamentalist side to Christianity, which is what you still don't understand. They, too, are a bunch of wackos that you can see at any abortion clinic, and have made threats and even killed doctors. But if you are going to tell me that the minute number of these assholes is somewhere even in the same ballpark as the barbarism promoted and conducted by fundamentalist Muslims in the world today is absolutely laughable.

And the genitalia mutilation not being part of Sharia law is completely beside the point. It is a common albeit controversial practice among many Muslim families today.

People must face the fact that it's not racism or xenophobia; it's a simple matter of ability to conform to modern society's standards, and it simply has not. You can argue the counterpoint all day to try and be even-handed, but unless you're going to go back to the time of the Crusades (which is about where Islam is right now), Christianity is fucking Sesame Street compared to Islamic law and teachings.

You can't say "not all Muslims are like that" when entire countries are in upheaval over cartoons. I know not all Muslims are like that, and as I said, those have adapted to modern society. Unfortunately for them and for us, they seem to be becoming the minority.
Actually, EricT, the number of the deaths in the nuke INCLUDE those who died of radiation afterwards for 20 years and the disfigured children. Nuke or not, Hiroshima and Nagasaki would have still been wiped out from the face of the Earth with napalm.

Whoever taught you that should stop teaching. Read some books on the subject... THE MORE YOU KNOW. :lol:
I see what you're saying Karmic, and the biggest flaw in your argument is the notion you seem to hold that somehow modern-day Christianity has equally psychotic and barbaric preachings and practices as Islam, and that there is some sort of militant wing of Christianity when there isn't. Of course there are idiots out there, but nothing to the extremity and degree of fundamentalist Muslims.

I didn't say they were equal, I was just questioning your comparison. I am fully aware of that there still is a difference between the extremes, and that one is a bit more powerful in their methods. Practises? Perhaps not. Preachings? Hell yes.

And the genitalia mutilation not being part of Sharia law is completely beside the point. It is a common albeit controversial practice among many Muslim families today.
And I brought up the genitalia mutilation because it isn't beside the point, it's not a general muslim practise, it's an islam practise. It's not in the Quran, hence why the majority of Muslims don't practise it.

People must face the fact that it's not racism or xenophobia; it's a simple matter of ability to conform to modern society's standards, and it simply has not. You can argue the counterpoint all day to try and be even-handed, but unless you're going to go back to the time of the Crusades (which is about where Islam is right now), Christianity is fucking Sesame Street compared to Islamic law and teachings.
You say that islam has no place in modern society, yet your examples come from the part where you yourself proclaim still lay in the past. While I'm not saying that it's right or wrong, when it comes to the practices themselves (which you threw just generally into "common muslim practise") it's not something that can just broadly generalise with.

You can't say "not all Muslims are like that" when entire countries are in upheaval over cartoons. I know not all Muslims are like that, and as I said, those have adapted to modern society. Unfortunately for them and for us, they seem to be becoming the minority.
And again, since when has it been the entire country? Explain how the loud minority of angry offended people suddenly have become the majority?
When the Ayatollah, the supreme leader of Iran, put a death warrant on Salman Rushdie's head for offensive statements against Islam, which is why I blame Islam and not Arabs. Iranians are not Arabs.

Karmie, we're gonna go around in circles. I see what you're saying, I just have a different viewpoint and you won't change my mind. We should just move on.
Karmic is just a guy who like to play the devil's advocate and tries to prove you wrong all the time.

Bottom line is that you ARE right DW. If you were to translate the Quaran (And survive because that is a high a fanatic might kill you for), a lot of the passages in there promote barbaric practices. It preaches intolerance and bigotry. Period. Sure the bible may have the same thing, but guess what the difference is, THEY ARE NOT FOLLOWED ANY LONGER. That isn't to say all Muslims follow them, but in nations that are run by Muslim leaders or have a high Muslim population, some/all of those things are commonplace because IT IS THE WORD OF ALLAH!

Maybe in Sweden you have magic Muslims but everywhere else it's quite different. Christianity has fanatics but they are the minority. So retarded might grab a gun and snipe a few abortion doctors, but it isn't a mass, co-ordinated effort to systematically kill their own people. In the past few centuries, YES, but not in MODERN society.

It's not to say Muslims have only fanatics, but the thing is, you don't even need to be a fanatic to have trouble with that religion, you merely need to follow some/all the practices in the holy book and you're still causing harm. Any Christian community you go, you will see dumb people but it will be a close knit community, sure they might have secrets but on the whole they'll all be friendly, open, go to church and at worst they might judge and ostracized someone for getting teen pregnant or coming out of the closet. That's just a stereotype community.

Now go to a Muslim community. Check out that stereotype. Just got live it for yourself. My girlfriend's dad is Muslim, he left the picture before I met her though, but they live in a Muslim community. Their neighbourhood is comprised of 98% Muslims. And while they are not the fanatics, their outdated religion still has them doing some dumb stuff to their woman, to themselves, to the people who are not of musim faith, to people's animals (pets are haraam), etc... They are fucked up.

P.S. Every Muslim I know INDIVIDUALLY, like a guy I met at school or at a show, they're generally normal people. Any Muslim I ever met in a group, has been a judgmental retarded faggot. Groups of faithful Muslims together is always a bad thing.
Karmic is just a guy who like to play the devil's advocate and tries to prove you wrong all the time.

Bottom line is that you ARE right DW. If you were to translate the Quaran (And survive because that is a high a fanatic might kill you for), a lot of the passages in there promote barbaric practices. It preaches intolerance and bigotry. Period. Sure the bible may have the same thing, but guess what the difference is, THEY ARE NOT FOLLOWED ANY LONGER. That isn't to say all Muslims follow them, but in nations that are run by Muslim leaders or have a high Muslim population, some/all of those things are commonplace because IT IS THE WORD OF ALLAH!

Maybe in Sweden you have magic Muslims but everywhere else it's quite different. Christianity has fanatics but they are the minority. So retarded might grab a gun and snipe a few abortion doctors, but it isn't a mass, co-ordinated effort to systematically kill their own people. In the past few centuries, YES, but not in MODERN society.

It's not to say Muslims have only fanatics, but the thing is, you don't even need to be a fanatic to have trouble with that religion, you merely need to follow some/all the practices in the holy book and you're still causing harm. Any Christian community you go, you will see dumb people but it will be a close knit community, sure they might have secrets but on the whole they'll all be friendly, open, go to church and at worst they might judge and ostracized someone for getting teen pregnant or coming out of the closet. That's just a stereotype community.

Now go to a Muslim community. Check out that stereotype. Just got live it for yourself. My girlfriend's dad is Muslim, he left the picture before I met her though, but they live in a Muslim community. Their neighbourhood is comprised of 98% Muslims. And while they are not the fanatics, their outdated religion still has them doing some dumb stuff to their woman, to themselves, to the people who are not of musim faith, to people's animals (pets are haraam), etc... They are fucked up.

P.S. Every Muslim I know INDIVIDUALLY, like a guy I met at school or at a show, they're generally normal people. Any Muslim I ever met in a group, has been a judgmental retarded faggot. Groups of faithful Muslims together is always a bad thing.


Bottom line is that you ARE right DW. If you were to translate the Quaran (And survive because that is a high a fanatic might kill you for), a lot of the passages in there promote barbaric practices. It preaches intolerance and bigotry. Period. Sure the bible may have the same thing, but guess what the difference is, THEY ARE NOT FOLLOWED ANY LONGER. That isn't to say all Muslims follow them, but in nations that are run by Muslim leaders or have a high Muslim population, some/all of those things are commonplace because IT IS THE WORD OF ALLAH!

hahaha, are you serious? Of course it's still followed, but it's not the kind of thing that's featured in the media all the time.
That, and the fact still remains that the majority of the barbaric stuff pointed out so far are things that don't exist in the general teachings, but are things freely interpreted, just like with christianity. Christianity still has loads of psychos.

Maybe in Sweden you have magic Muslims but everywhere else it's quite different. Christianity has fanatics but they are the minority. So retarded might grab a gun and snipe a few abortion doctors, but it isn't a mass, co-ordinated effort to systematically kill their own people. In the past few centuries, YES, but not in MODERN society.

Uh, islamist fanatics are the minority too.

It's not to say Muslims have only fanatics, but the thing is, you don't even need to be a fanatic to have trouble with that religion, you merely need to follow some/all the practices in the holy book and you're still causing harm. Any Christian community you go, you will see dumb people but it will be a close knit community, sure they might have secrets but on the whole they'll all be friendly, open, go to church and at worst they might judge and ostracized someone for getting teen pregnant or coming out of the closet. That's just a stereotype community.

And of course stereotype communities are exactly how all of them are for real as well!

Now go to a Muslim community. Check out that stereotype. Just got live it for yourself. My girlfriend's dad is Muslim, he left the picture before I met her though, but they live in a Muslim community. Their neighbourhood is comprised of 98% Muslims. And while they are not the fanatics, their outdated religion still has them doing some dumb stuff to their woman, to themselves, to the people who are not of musim faith, to people's animals (pets are haraam), etc... They are fucked up.

Funny you say that, I've lived in a muslim area for around 10 years now. It's about 95% Muslims here. Maybe once or twice every other year we have some crazie go and do something, but it's not this blown up picture of muslims that you're trying to put on almost everyone. Tell me, with your population in Canada in comparison, how many crazies do you have from each religion doing stuff? Or are you just following the stereotypes?

(btw, it's a mad ghetto)

The issue I'm having here is that you are still generally stereotyping the general religion from the extreme minority that is featured. Media has a huge role in creating this stereotype as well. Of course I'm not denying that it doesn't happen, but putting it way out of proportion in comparison to the (STILL) happening sick stuff that say, Christianity does as well is, well, stupid.

It's easier to disconnect when you're in the middle of a culture, but when looking at someone elses culture, you generally just lump it all together.
Whoever pointed out 'oil' on the reason Pearl Harbor was attacked is right. Japan's aim was not war with the US in WWII; it seeked the resources in Indonesia: oil, rubber, tin. However, the Japanese navy considered that doing that would attract the US into war, therefore since war was inevitable--Japan needed the resources of Indonesia, America wouldn't let them have it--it wanted to start the war on the strongest footing possible, therefore they sought to crush the Pacific navy before it became a major threat. However, by canceling the third wave of attack on Pearl Harbor, most of the oil the Pacific navy was left. Had those oil reservoirs been destroyed, the Pacific navy would have been set back much more than losing a couple of ships.

On the sharia topic, it is so open to interpretation it is not even funny. Like all religion, Islam is flexible to serve any political purpose. For example, sharia is much different for Sufi Muslims or even between different Shia countries or even regions. So don't come tell me that one religion is evil or unfit, because they are all political tools. And Christianity is probably the worst. Since the Romans they have done propaganda for the state in exchange for political influence. Saint Augustine and Paulus Orosius were probably the Sean Hannity and the Bill O'Reiley of the late 300s and 400s
The issue I'm having here is that you are still generally stereotyping the general religion from the extreme minority that is featured. Media has a huge role in creating this stereotype as well. Of course I'm not denying that it doesn't happen, but putting it way out of proportion in comparison to the (STILL) happening sick stuff that say, Christianity does as well is, well, stupid.

It's easier to disconnect when you're in the middle of a culture, but when looking at someone elses culture, you generally just lump it all together.
