"My job is to communicate to the American people.....

Well we don't have too many of them loading belts up full of explosives and running into bus stations. For the most part they freak out on TV and pan handle for money.
Even if their actions are at a lesser extent (from what we supposedly know) still doesn't exempt them from the term

and again, it's not the religion, it's (just like with christianity) pretty much just a fundamentalist extreme MINORITY. If you're just going to brush over all muslims as tewwowists, it's just the same as stereotyping all people that live in Michigan as *insert american stereotype here*.
haha since when have christian fanatics been tolerant? :erk:

Even if their actions are at a lesser extent (from what we supposedly know) still doesn't exempt them from the term

and again, it's not the religion, it's (just like with christianity) pretty much just a fundamentalist extreme MINORITY. If you're just going to brush over all muslims as tewwowists, it's just the same as stereotyping all people that live in Michigan as *insert american stereotype here*.


Now shut up. We get it, you're the sandnigger version of John, you live in a Muzzie Ghetto and you're down with the Johnny Jihad freaks.

Comparing Christianity to Islam in terms of intolerance is stupid. It's annoying, but legal.

Christian intolerance leads to mass petitions, frivolous class action suites and propositions, attempts to alter the constitution and maybe some bad mouthing that is within legal limits and that ignorant 'we'll pray for your soul' bullshit.

Muslims riot against, suicide bomb, stone, decapitate and bombard with hatespeech whatever they don't tolerate.


Also... I did not post this only because "she is talking for Israel" because only god knows how much I hate MANY of what Israel is doing,
but she isone of the few people in the world who actually sat and translated the modern Kuran as an arab, and showed the world what is really written there
(I just can't find those videos! :erk:) Also she is talking about terror in America and so on...


(Yes, she is extreme... but she has a point! and please note she is
saying: "moderate Muslims" )

I would also recommend reading this book:


fantastic read.
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Now shut up. We get it, you're the sandnigger version of John, you live in a Muzzie Ghetto and you're down with the Johnny Jihad freaks.

Comparing Christianity to Islam in terms of intolerance is stupid. It's annoying, but legal.

Christian intolerance leads to mass petitions, frivolous class action suites and propositions, attempts to alter the constitution and maybe some bad mouthing that is within legal limits and that ignorant 'we'll pray for your soul' bullshit.

Muslims riot against, suicide bomb, stone, decapitate and bombard with hatespeech whatever they don't tolerate.

Hey, I never defended the islam practises, I've just been pointing out the extreme comparisons made. I'm not down with any of that terrorist crap, and thankfully enough most of the people in the area I live think the same way (most, not all).

This thread started out about islam in modern society, aka USA or various places, but the big intolerance argument you come with still refers to the areas in the middleeast where islam is the one and only religion. Hence the intolerance comparisons IN the USA (or canada, if you will) still is valid enough, because it's not an extreme difference inside the country as to something outside. Christians DO riot. And attempting to alter the constitution? Wouldn't that be a step further in the direction of the extreme? It's worse then you make it sound.

And hey, I haven't been waving around anything, don't compare me to John :mad:
I'd hardly call panhandling for money on tv to retards and street preaching "the same thing but only in a different way" in comparison to fanatical Islam.

That's like saying being an extreme stamp collector is the same thing as being an extreme sports fanatic and diving out of planes or swimming with sharks.
I'm comparing the two extremes, as you suggested: the retarded and idiotic neochristians whose numbers and actions are mainly in the majority in the US, and the actions of fundamentalists of Islam both in the US and in Europe.

It's pointless to compare them in wholly Islamic countries like Saudi Arabia, as the entire country is fucked in the head. I'm showing the contrast between Islam and the western world and christianity and the western world.

Other than pretty much being really annoying and trying to convert you, protesting metal concerts, and the occasional Bob Larson wacko, they don't usually physically maim or kill people. Speaking of religious leaders, their ideology is pretty retarded and they'd love to see everyone convert to their way of thinking but they are respectful of your wishes and will not threaten to blow up your car if you make an insult against them. I've never heard the Pope ever issuing a death threat to anyone who offends Catholicism in the last 200 years.

Again, it goes back to religion, not immigration or people. It's a belief system that cannot adjust to modern society, and all of those who strictly follow that belief system have no place in modern society. I'm not saying if you're a devout Muslim you cannot integrate in a western society; far from it. I'm merely saying that even as a devout Muslim, you must submit yourself to change certain behavior in a modern and civilized society. Most Muslims adhere to this, as they realize anything is better than returning to a fundamentalist regime and they realize that they are guests in a foreign land different from their own. But there are those who don't submit to change, that follow the Koran by the letter, and therefore their perversion of this religion is what is so dangerous. The difference between the two? THERE ARE TONS MORE PEOPLE WHO FOLLOW THE KORAN BY THE LETTER THAN THE BIBLE. Christianity is tolerant of free-thinking while Islam has shunned it every step of the way.

Everyone bitches and moans about how the US imposes such a heavy hand wherever its foreign policy goes around the world, and with good reason! They're absolutely right! American foreign policy should fuck right off most of the time. But mention anything negative about the imposition of Islam by the Islamic minority in THEIR attempt to discriminate against the citizens of non-Islamic countries and you're branded a racist and fascist or even threatened with assassination.

The fact is, if you're critical of Islam and vocal enough about it, there are fundamentalists who will seek to eliminate you, both physically and figuratively. If you're critical of Christianity, you're just given a guilt trip by a bunch of people who won't stop knocking on your door every other Sunday morning at 8:00 am.

There is this fear of being labeled anti-Islamic or racist these days, and I'm not buying into it. Multi-culturalists have tried to demonize everyone who thinks for themselves and has their own opinions, simply so they can appear more tolerant. They aren't being tolerant...they're being taken advantage of.

I will not change my lifestyle in a free country that allows me to do and say what I believe without fear, even if that means offending someone else, no matter who that may be.
I'd like to take note that you shouldn't give a shit. Fuck hate and fuck you, but is that to say I should not forgive you?

I believe you have offended my beliefs concerning religion by wishing you could strangle your enemy. Because in full truth, you already do in your mind. Regardless of how much that will mean to you in your future, take a moment and stop. By letting things that have already happened solve themselves over time, you can predict the result unless you create an instance of something in your mind and theirs. So creating love is as easy as solving the metaphysical problem at hand!

So forgive and forget, and certainly forget about your definition of Good and Evil things being good and/or bad for you. Unless you're crafting a revolver from the knowledge, then feel free to fire away.