LOL. Newsted on St. Anger


Madly in anger with you
Apr 2, 2002
Philadelphia, PA
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"As a fan, it's pretty hard to listen to, tonality-wise. I think it's not very pleasing to the human ear. There's other albums that sound better, production-wise. Songwriting-wise, it's not bad. But I think that it could have been a lot more pleasant to listen to. If the [bonus] DVD would not have been [included] in the album, they would have been screwed. They redeemed themselves by putting in that DVD and showing that Lars [Ulrich] can actually play double-bass drums and stuff like that. Because I know, myself, as a fan, and a lot of other fans have questioned that for awhile — the actual abilities of the band anymore. So I'm really glad, as fan, that they put that DVD in."

How many people think that's how he really feels about the album?:p
He probably just speaks his mind anyway. You can't expect the guy to say, "Metallica still kicks ass even though I'm no longer in it".
Ravnanger said:
why the fuck did the money have to get to Metallica's heads?
I wonder what Cliff would have said
Money = Crap Music

Probably would have left the band at this point.

And just for the record, Metallica is my all-time favorite band:p
SculptedCold said:
well judging by that, he most likely does think its shit; he's just being polite to his former bandmates by not bluntly saying its crap.
Or he is more open minded and less face value driven in music than most ppl on here.
Well, he didn't exactly say he likes St. Anger in any way. I think that he is just not being more harsh because he doesn't want to publicly bash his former band. Didn't he leave Metallica because he didn't like the direction the band has been going in musically for the last few years? St. Anger sucks, as do Load and Reload.
I always liked Newsted. He gave us Justice and the Black album. Sadly, he was part of Load and ReLoad as well, but I think they're why he quit.
Actually, I've read an interview with Kirk where he claimed that the music they play now is pretty much the style that Jason wanted to play when he left the band.
Yeah, I've heard that version too, however, Kirk stressed the irony in the situation very clearly in the interview...
Load and Reload kick major ass. Theyre not metal. But any idiot who doesnt like an album because its not metal is a closeminded sonfabitch. These are pure rock gems that i treasure and cuddle with on a nightly basis!
THe Load's were just mediocre/OK albums, from any point of view.

And it does sound like he thinks its crap, but probably wouldnt blatantly say it. Oh and I doubt the style they're playing has anything to do with Newstead.
Tool said:
THe Load's were just mediocre/OK albums, from any point of view.

And it does sound like he thinks its crap, but probably wouldnt blatantly say it. Oh and I doubt the style they're playing has anything to do with Newstead.

I am so going to the next Voivod show. Just so I can talk to Jason and see what he really thinks of it:p

Once again, Metallica=favorite band:p
Life Sucks said:
Didn't he leave Metallica because he didn't like the direction the band has been going in musically for the last few years? St. Anger sucks, as do Load and Reload.
That's bullshit. He left because of his side-project called "Echobrain," where he played with some kids from East Bay.. He was very proud of their album - and yet something about it (not his involvement necessarily - something deeper) caused some friction and he left. First listen to some of Echobrain stuff, then listen to the new Voivod - and THEN come back *speculating* that he negatively thought of Load and Reload.

Direction didn't have anything to do with it - respect had, most probably (and it was all interconnected with Echobrain).. Lars said somewhere: "If I were him, I would've left a lot earlier" - Jason didn't have a voice in the band, none whatsoever.. That's why he was so proud of Echobrain's release, too...

Load and Reload are DECENT releases and are much better than most of that rock stuff they have on the radio. I personally love them - possibly because Metallica is my favorite band all-time, and, well, as a fan I would be very biased towards their work.. I don't particularly like St. Anger - but I didn't buy the album, and while I'm still a big fan of the band - I shamelessly downloaded it and momentarily dismissed it. Very raw and very not what they promised - but fuck it, whatever. I can just forget about it - it's just music... And I listen to music that MATTERS - I don't listen to something I don't like. There - mystery solved.