Long-haired metalheads and employment

I'm considering growing my hair again, but if I had to be job hunting I think I might have problems (depending on whether I interviewed at startups or city firms, I suppose). In my current job it wouldn't be an issue providing it was neat, since we don't have a dress code (it's a science research place; most people wear t-shirts and jeans).

The only pain is the boofy period between short and long :)
I''m lucky enough to have had relatives and friends get me into a wide variety of part-time work early on in life (I currently do part-time carpentry/laboring, graphic design, child care, IT work for said child care centre, and soon red-tagging electrical tools), so that experience cancels out the way I look to an extent. Mind you, I've never actually had to apply for a proper job, but I'm sure my beard and long hair wouldn't exactly help me.
We have a very strict dress code. Short, neat hair for men. Women with long hair must either wear it tied back, or it needs to be neat and manageable, ie: more Jennfer Anniston, less CC Deville. One piercing per ear for ladies, one piercing for gentlemen (though I think this one is being relaxed now). If hair is dyed, it must be a naturally occurring colour, so the little bit of pink I had in my fringe when I got back from Oz went down a shit storm. Nail polish should not be garish and must not be chipped.

Having said all that, we now have some dude working on the ground floor with dyed orange hair, which is in a short pony tail, and the sides of his head are shaved. :o Doesn't bother me, but does piss me off that the dress code seems to be enforced differently around the store. Tres annoying... I want the pink back in my hair! :p
I didn't have any trouble getting my current job despite having my goatee. I asked during the interview what the dress code was and their first response was "as long as you're clean and get the work done, we don't care"

Whenever I visit a new customer, I always wear business shirt / pants. For the project I've been working on for the last year I wear cargoes and polo shirts.
I've never cut my hair other than for hair care reasons. Its long & black & I love it! I work in a Uni so its not such a big deal but it has kept me out of a few jobs in the past. Still, I say fuck them if they are judging me by the length of my hair or the fact I like to wear alot of black.
btw I work in a library, so I'm in direct contact with people and I'm wearing a Dismember tour tshirt with a demonic kangaroo and holding two bloodied axes in the shape of an inverted cross!
Haven't had a haircut in 8 years, so the length sort of varies with my stress levels.

Have gone as far in the power industry as an engineer can go without selling out and becoming management.

Have had a few negative comments in interview reports regarding "biker" appearance, but always got the job.