Looking for a new guitar...

Mar 6, 2004
Queens, NY
I'm currently playing an Epiphone Black Beauty, and also own an Ibanez Iceman and Fender Squier. All of them suck ass, I didn't research them too much before buying. I was deciding between BC Rich/ESP/Jackson, and I decided to go with my instincts and get a Jackson. I want to get a guitar similar to Alexi's or Roope's, but don't know much about availability, pricing, quality (especially when it comes to pickups). Any help from you guys would be kick ass...especially bobvex..heh.
what you are looking for is a Jackson Randy Rhoads. There are. . .4 different models available, the RR1, the RR3, the RR5, and the RX10D. RR1 is the most expensive, and the best quality, neck thru, Alder body maple/ebony neck Seymore duncam pickups. RR5 is next in price, and also neck thru, also with Seymore Duncan pickups, but a different set than the RR1. it's made in Japan, with a rosewood fretboard. the RR3 and RX10D are also Japanese, but with Bolt on maple necks with rosewood fretboards. the RR3 and Rx10D have shit pickups: duncan Designed - not even made in the Duncan Factory.

www.jacksonguitars.com for full specs.
RR1 - $1000-$1600
RR5 - $600-$800
RR3 - $500-$700
RX10D - $350 - $500

i have an RX10D, but its is modified to hell, if you want to modify it a lot, get one, you cant find a better guitar at his price, except BC rich maybe.
bob....where can i find out ways to modify a guitar? you had to learn somewhere im asuming, is there anything you could suggest that you know of (links, books, magazines, etc) ?
bobvex said:
what you are looking for is a Jackson Randy Rhoads. There are. . .4 different models available, the RR1, the RR3, the RR5, and the RX10D. RR1 is the most expensive, and the best quality, neck thru, Alder body maple/ebony neck Seymore duncam pickups. RR5 is next in price, and also neck thru, also with Seymore Duncan pickups, but a different set than the RR1. it's made in Japan, with a rosewood fretboard. the RR3 and RX10D are also Japanese, but with Bolt on maple necks with rosewood fretboards. the RR3 and Rx10D have shit pickups: duncan Designed - not even made in the Duncan Factory.

www.jacksonguitars.com for full specs.
RR1 - $1000-$1600
RR5 - $600-$800
RR3 - $500-$700
RX10D - $350 - $500

i have an RX10D, but its is modified to hell, if you want to modify it a lot, get one, you cant find a better guitar at his price, except BC rich maybe.

I just got a new job, and all I really plan on spending my money on is concerts and guitar, so price isn't an issue. I want the RR1, but I don't like the basic model, I'm looking for a version a bit like yours... what pickups would be best in this case, and how can I get a professional paint job. How much do you think it would all cost?
CephalicExodus said:
I want the RR1, but I don't like the basic model, I'm looking for a version a bit like yours
if you want a mix of styles between the RR1 and the RX10D, you're gonna have to go custom, my friend. :erk: theres no other way around it. . .all RR guitars come with 22 frets, and if you want th eextra 2 frets, either get a custom, or add the 2 extra frets on. a 24 fret jackson is coming out soon, BUT, its complete and total shit. . .made in India, basswood body, mahogony neck i think, just utter crap for jackson. if i was running jackson id reintroduce RR/LL's made in japan. but here are the specs for the one i am building now

Body - Alder, i recently had the body work bone on this, a small cutout on the bottom wing for better access to upper frets, and the Neck pickup hole was plugged with alder, along with the toggle switch. Another guy, delt, used fiberglas to fill his hole, DON"T DO THAT!!!
Neck - Maple, Rosewood Fretboard, 24 jumbo frets, Binding, sharkfin inlays, regular headstock
Electronics - EMG 81 active pickup with a pa-2 gain booster.

what pickups would be best in this case, and how can I get a professional paint job. How much do you think it would all cost?
pickups are all preferance, EMG are reeally nice for metal, hard rock. they make some jazz pickups, too.
dimarzio are nice, and of course Seymore Duncan.

Paint - i used car paint, no shit. pick yoru color and spray it on. its that easy, i suggest hanging it to paint it, as i am having trouble with mine sticking to the painting surface lately. just use car paint, and you can order finishing supplies from www.stewmac.com, Clear Gloss Lacquer, fine guitar polish, swirl remover, and a buffing sponge.

cost is all up to you. . i made this one for around $500
any local luthier could do it. . .or even a car detailing facility

im shit with my hands too, but i did the tape job for my yellow bevels :) my friend painted it for me. . .

but i will make a stencil fo rmy Pins in this guitar. . .its gonna suck at first but i will fix it up and make it nice.
CephalicExodus said:
I might end up just doing it through Jackson custom then, what specs should i input? (Keep in mind, I'm completely clueless as to most of the terminology, I just play, I don't study)

this is more of a taste thing, but i also like to scallop the last 4 frets (a la roope, vai)...along with bob's cutaway this makes playing up high alot easier :rock: :rock: :rock:

My band's playing our first show on June 11th, and I want to show off my new guitar by then.

I want to get a Jackson RR1, but I want to keep it UNDER $1700.

I used that VERY HELPFUL Rhoads-building website...and this is pretty much what I want:

Body: Black
Bevels: Red
Pinstripes: None
Neck: 24 Fret Ebony
Inlays: Sharkfins/Mother Of Pearl
Headstock: Standard Jackson
Logos: Jackson/White
Tuners: Jackson/Black
Binding: Neck & Headstock/Black
Bridges: Floyd Rose (Not sure if recessed, or non-recessed)/Black
Pickups: Neck & Bridge/EMG-81 Humbuckers/Black
Pickguard: NONE
Knobs/Switches: Black Three-Way Switch, One volume knob for each pickup (I don't fiddle much with tone on the guitar itself)

I'm not sure about types of body (Alder, etc.), don't know how it will reflect price either. If anyone can either A) help me find a place that has it built or will build it for me for under $1700, or B) build it for me themselves, that would be very helpful. Also any recommendations on pedals would be great.

(We play viking metal with melodic death and some neo-classical influences)