Looking for cover art...

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Apr 24, 2002
Chicago, Illinois
Anyone here an artist? We're working on another release of Amid Its Hallowed Mirth on The End Records shortly, with bonus songs added. Basically we need new cover art, and with some other "top secret" projects we're working on, and seeing as I need the art work for Amid basically yesterday, I don't have the time to get it done.

Anyone wants a stab at this, go for it. There is literally no budget for the re-release, so you would have to be content with credit in the liner notes, and free swag from us as compensation.

Let us know!
hmm it's hard... i'm going through the same process for my band and it's really not that easy if you want something nice on a low budget!!! but good luck finding someone!

fubar, didn't you do artwork for some other thing too? i recall reading something on the swano board but i'm not sure if it was you :)
hmm it's hard... i'm going through the same process for my band and it's really not that easy if you want something nice on a low budget!!! but good luck finding someone!

fubar, didn't you do artwork for some other thing too? i recall reading something on the swano board but i'm not sure if it was you :)

Swano said he likes my stuff, lol. Actually he rejected my cover for the EOS 'best of' compilation :erk:

I've only done one other cd. For an underground Finnish band called Duality (side project of Farmakon singer, Matti).

Basically I want to get into doing cd artwork :)
I'll see what I can do with a camera then juice it up in Photoshop. I'm not promising anything though haha.

I don't expect it to be what you're looking for, but it gives me an excuse to use a good camera! haha
Just kill some random dude with a shotgun and take a picture of it, that will be über tr00 kvlt and black metal \m/
I honestly don't know what I'm looking for. If I had a clear idea, I could do it myself, but I have no idea. It's one of those things where when I see it, I'll know it.

Timeframe is the sooner the better. haha I need to turn this in as soon as the cover is done basically.
Well I saw that you were in need so I tried to make something.... I understand if you don't like it, I'm not a professional... But if you really need it then I am overjoyed. ;)

That was sort of the idea.... maybe I'll try something different later. Did you have anything particular in mind? :p
I agree with Paul that it's too close to the Pale Haunt artwork. And also, while I don't care about an album cover being as "metal" as possible and while an album cover really doesn't need to have skulls, demons, and gore on it to look good, I think that cover just looks too bright/colorful/happy for a Novembers Doom album.
I love the use of Blackadder ITC in that last one... nice shades of purple... I hope they choose that one. :D
That style of art would work back in the day, but we've really raised the bar to a much higher standard for artwork. It has to be something, even if a simple nature scene, that when you look at it, you simply say "wow." Like I said, I'll know it when I see it. I may end up having to put everything else aside, and work on this cover.
I took this photo earlier in the summer while at a small zoo...I do not have proper software, so I just added some words in Microsoft Paint...the logo would need to be the proper ND logo, but the basic idea is still there:

hello...first time poster here ( i've lurked for a while ).

here is my submission :


hope you all have a happy new year!
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