Looking for cover art...

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Haha, that's awesome. I love photography, but I don't have the money for a decent camera of any sort. Plus, I don't think I'm creative enough in Photoshop to ever do album covers.
You guys are going to make this very hard to choose.

Dan, very cool image. The colors are great. I liked this right away. It sort of reminds me of Woods of Ypres cover for their second release, Pursuit Of The Sun & Allure Of The Earth.

affintyband, Well done. This one just may be the front runner at the moment. I like this a lot.
affinityband, yours is pretty damn cool!

I can't really have a proper go at this untill I get back to my Mac at uni on monday.
Got my Entry right here. Went to oxford to get this photo and then photographed some mates in robes :D i still have the full quality image but it was too big to host. other fonts available too.

edit: My favourite

This one f---kin' rocks! Gets my vote for sure. Nice work affinityband!:headbang::headbang:
As much as I hate the bastard, I've got to say that that is some really good shit I see in those quotes... I'd definitely go with that one, you don't usually get work of such caliber for free... very rarely. Congrats. :p
@ affinityband
Great cover-art, very professional. :kickass:

I also made one. Thanks to my friend who let me borrow this pictures of
his sister, hahaha :saint:


I felt like ages since the last time I did something with photoshop. :lol:
hahaha GMagnus, you actually used my picture. Just wait, I'm still working on a cover with the same picture. :)
Looks great by the way... I don't think I can top the ones already posted, but I'll just give it a shot.

Maybe you can use the artwork not chosen for the cover inside the booklet. :D
Damn!!! I can't see affinity's...
All I see is the RED X.
Must be my filter settings on my work PC...

Anyhow, seriously, you guys all did an awesome job.....
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